Sunday, August 25, 2013

So I'm learning that making videos is ten times easier but I'm gonna write this one cause I know you'll get tired of my face.

So today has been exhausting. I got up early and went to breakfast myself because my roommate was at mass. I got started on The Book Thief while I was eating. (Sara, Rachel, it's so good so far!! I'm only about 60 pages in but I love it.) After that I took a short walk, but it was so hot I came right back and TRIED to take a nap, but you guys kept me up on kik. But it's totally cool cause I did get to take a good nap and went out looking for bookstores after that. The only bookstores on campus are ones mainly for textbooks, so I was pretty bored by them. Then I got excited when I found a B&N on the list of bookstores they gave us. I was totally bummed to find out it was way too far for walking, and I'm not quite sure how to use the L train yet, so I didn't go to B&N like I wanted. But I did go to the library because I was really craving some hot booking. For a school so devoted to learning, I wasn't impressed with their selection. So I just pulled out The Book Thief and sat in this really comfy chair and read (and almost fell asleep) for awhile. I'm really liking that book. Then I went back to my room and my roommate and I hung out awhile before we went to Five Guys for dinner. Oh.My.God. Those burgers.Are.Amazing. I've never been there before and I loved it. After that Francesca and I went back to the dorm where we found a bunch of girls from our floor in the lobby with towels and bathing suits peeking out. So Francesca asked if I wanted to go to, so I went to the beach for the first time. It was super dark out but the water was really warm. My roommate went and joined the big group of people (which consisted of some guys yikes!) so I just wandered around in the water until I found a girl I met at orientation. She was with her roommate, so I went over to them and they were so awesome to talk to. We left the beach once they started building a bonfire and walked to Red Mango. Once again I have met girls who would rather stay in than go out and party. Woohoo! I got a list going! So that was my day, just thought I'd tell you guys that.

And sorry, these might get frequent. You don't have to comment on them; ignore them if you'd like, just thought I'd put it all on here. Bye guys!


1 comment:

  1. Alex, I always enjoy seeing your lovely face! I'm glad that you like The Book Thief, and that you are making friends. :)
