Saturday, August 24, 2013


Hey guys! Well first day of college yesterday didn't go all too well. I mean I knew it was going to be a change but... yeah living here wasn't such a great idea. I don't know, there's three of us crammed into this little room and its absolutely freezing down here. Yeah, I'm in the basement. But I won't be for much longer. I've decided to go with being a commuter instead of living in the dorms here. It is kinda a drive but I'm hoping I'll just get used to it eventually. Maybe after a while I'll adjust to this and be able to move back in to a dorm.

Some of the major problems that I have living here are as follows:

The people on the floor - ok, so I know there's only like twenty girls but I'm really not too fond of them. They are mostly social butterflies who constantly go into each other's rooms. One of my roommates is that kind of person. Like tonight I came back from talking to Sara on the phone and she had a guy and a girl in here and I just wanted to come in and pack since I'm leaving tomorrow but it was kinda hard to do... Also, a lot of the girls seem really into the guys and they just keep bringing them over to this floor. I don't know, it's just weird sometimes how my door will be left open and two guys pass by the door with a couple of girls. Maybe its just me.

The dorm itself - first off, service down here sucks. If there isn't a problem with the service, there's a problem with the signal and its really freaking annoying. I hate how I have to go outside every time I want to call someone or have a conversation through texting. That's how all the buildings are here too. No service or signal. And like I said, it's freezing in here too. I'm in sweatpants with shorts underneath (cuz you wanted to know that) and a sweatshirt with another shirt underneath (you had to know that too). I forgot to bring a blanket so I'd have to crawl in bed to get any warmer. Also, for some reason I didn't get much sleep at all last night, and I woke up with this flaring headache.

My other roommate (for those of you keeping track it would be the one who doesn't like to be the social butterfly) she's pretty cool. We haven't really talked much but we've been doing some of the events together and we definitely are not like the rest of the people on the floor. Tonight we went to an improve show. We both really enjoyed it and I recognized a few of the games they played from drama class : ) Brooke, they played four corners! I don't know if we played that junior year Alex. Anyway, we both stayed in after that which was fine by me.

I haven't see too much of John around campus really. He's been with his cross country team doing everything. He did come up to me yesterday a couple times to see if I was ok. I still need to find him this morning and tell him I'll be commuting.

My Peer Advisor has been a lot of help to me. Like a big help. I met him back in may when they had this AU4U registration thing. He's doing theater here and we had talked about that. Then today my mom told me to talk to a guidance counselor before I made any big decisions because at first I wanted to leave completely and go to RVC next semester. But I talked to my PA and he was really quick on giving me advice and numbers to get a gold of a counselor and then res life to cancel my housing plan.

So some of the people here are really nice. Oh! I also met a guy who went to Harlem. He was alright.

Anyway I'm tired and I have to make one more phone call before I go to bed (which means getting up, walking upstairs, and going outside). I will post more about today and yesterday probably tomorrow night when I get home. I love you guys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm sorry things aren't going well. But I'm glad you're making plans to do what makes you feel happy and comfortable, because that's what matters.

