Friday, August 23, 2013

Salut de Chicago

I'm super lazy right now (like I don't even want to get up and go get food even though I'm super hungry) so I don't feel like typing, so you guys get this lovely video:

Lemme tell you a story
Sorry, I had to post it on youtube cause I couldn't get it on here.

And I also have a bunch of pictures I took today from when I was hiding from my roommate. :)

View from the lounge area.

Under a bridge when I took a walk. You can totally tell I'm a professional photographer.

Check out this garden! I don't know, I thought it was really pretty. This was at an apartment off campus where all the rich people live.

Beach! I didn't walk on it cause I wasn't wearing the right shoes.

That's about it for space for outdoor sports. The school isn't big into sports, so this is it. (I hope those guys didn't think I was taking pictures of them.)

Lake Michigan

Information Commons for cool learning stuff.

Yeah, we thought it was time for offerings again.

But I miss you guys oodles and oodles. :)



  1. Oh my God... I love this! I find it kinda creepy that you scoped me out... haha jk ; ) but I miss you a lot and I love you!

  2. The video was awesome. :)
    And I totally need to stalk that chick that likrs Supernatural. Anyways.. I'm glad you're enjoying Loyola so far. Just wait until classes start and homework pile up. xwx

  3. I loved this video!! Alex, I miss you and love you so much, but I am so glad that you are having a great time.
    Ahh! A fellow Supernatural chick!!
    Your offerings have been accepted. :)
