Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Choo choo!

Hey ladies!
I'm on my way to Rockford right now to help my mom restore our renter home. We need to get it finished by Monday because my mom starts work next week and we won't have time to finish it when she starts.
Speaking of work. My first day of work was on Sunday. Five Below is sorta unorganized. But the people that work there are extremely funny and friendly. Anyways.. I worked 11 to 6. It was a long day, and I didn't even know I was supposed to work.. so I didn't bring a lunch. Needless to say.. I didn't eat until around 7. And oh yeahh.. I didn't get off until around 7 because we have to clean up the store after we close, and people are horrible.. so it was a complete disaster. Most of the customers are understanding and genuine.. then you get the rare few customers that rip their stuff away from over the counter and walk away impatiently.
Also all of you should get Draw Something 2 for your phones and start a game with me. My username is Rawr Rissa. :3 I wanna be picasso with you. c;
Oh! And you ladies should let me know any days you have free so I can plan to get you out here to my house before school starts! Especially since I cannot go to six flags. :c So text me or whatever. I need to plan this shiz! There is a free party at my college on the 16th of August, and we can bring who and however many we want. There's free food and games, and a free screening of a movie that isn't on dvd yet. (: I'd like to plan for that weekend, but if none of you can make it we've gotta plan for sometime earlier. So let me know!

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