Monday, August 26, 2013


Welp. I'm anxiously awaiting my second class for the day, which starts at 6:15. But it is a half an hour drive to my college, so I have to leave in about an hour or so. Anywayyyssss. I figured I'd post something since I haven't for awhile. Elgin Community College isn't bad. But it's still lonely without all of you here. And I know just about all of your are feeling the same about your colleges. But dear lord. I had so much homework my first week of school it was ridiculous! But I did find out that I earned 100% on my first writing assignment in my Literature class. So Mrs. Powers.. SUCK IT. :P
I've also been working alot. And let me tell you. Work along with school? It sucks. But that's okay. My coworkers are really nice, and so is my manager. I still haven't been paid yet.. And I'm getting a little annoyed, seeing as I have a payment for school coming up.My parents told me not to worry, that they'll help me if I need it. But I can't help but worry, you know? 
Anyways. So, this adult life has gotten me thinking. As Alex mentioned before.. Weddings. Except in this particular case.. It's my wedding. Guys. I'm engaged. (: You're all invited. And well.. you're all my bridesmaids. Luis and I haven't decided on a date yet, but I'm more excited about the planning. Like.. Wedding cake and the dress. YES. THE DRESS. It's going to be amazing. 
I'm just kidding. I'm not engaged.(; Had you all going there, didn't I? But I did was thinking about weddings. I wasn't kidding about that. And it's still my wedding. But anyways.. I was thinking today. All of us are like.. Pancakes and syrup. Yet.. That's a lot of bridesmaids. How do you have that many bridesmaids? o.o Baha. I was really pondering this. How do you choose who you want to be your bridesmaids when you love all of your friends? How do you pick certain ones without making the others feel left out? HOW DO YOU DO THIS? I'm sure we'll find a way. c:
But I miss you all terribly. And I wish I had a teleporter or something just so I could pop in on you guys and say hello. You guys... Just. I love you. And yes, another sappy friend story to make you all cry. I'm so glad I met all of you. And hell, if it weren't for you ladies, I would probably not be as happy as I am today. Hell, I probably wouldn't have graduated high school. You all remember how much help I needed with homework. (; But seriously. Thank you guys so much. And I'm looking forward to all the future events we share together. Weddings, parties, sleepovers, girls night out, baby showers, and even babysitting each others children. WE WILL MAKE THIS HAPPEN. I WILL NOT LOSE ANY OF YOU. NO EXCEPTIONS. EVEN YOU MARYANNE. I KNOW HOW YOU LIKE TO IGNORE EVERYBODY. 
Anyways. I feel like this is getting waaayyyyyy too long. So, I'll end it here. And maybe I'll make a video soon. So I can copy Alex. :P But seriously! Keep in touch. Or I will come through your TV and cut your toes off and feed them to my rabid elephants.
Farewell my pretties. With love,
 Marissa <3