Monday, August 26, 2013


Hey ladies! I haven't posted anything for a while, so I figured that it's high-time that I add something to this lovely blog of ours.

I feel like I'm just sitting around, twiddling my thumbs while you guys are already beginning your college adventures. I mean, even Bryce has started school again (today is his first day of 8th grade. I'm so excited for him :)) I know that there's nothing I can do about it, and that it's just because of the scheduling of things, but I still feel weird.

Anyway, I am extremely nervous about starting. I'm worried that my roommate is going to think that I'm weird and that she is not going to accept my nerdy and quirkiness like you all do. I'm also worried about the idea of leaving home. I had this really long and comforting conversation with my family while we were at Chili's for dinner last night, and they told me that they have faith in me, and that they are only two hours away, and that I can call whenever I need to, but the idea is still scary to me.

I keep looking at the piles of stuff and the half-packed boxes and suitcases, telling myself that, yes, this is really happening. Yes, I really am going to college. Growing up, I honestly never thought this was actually going to happen. I always thought, oh, I still have 10 years left, 5 years left, 3 years left, 1 year left. Well, now it's actually here, and I'm having a hard time comprehending this fact.

I guess I just need to keep telling myself that this type of change is a good thing, and that it is going to help me grow. I keep telling myself that it's not like college is a punishment; it's an adventure. I know that some of you aren't very religious, and I'm not going to pretend that I go to church every Sunday or anything, but I do believe in God, and I do believe that he gives us these types of challenges because he knows that we can handle them. I just keep thinking in my head that if I wasn't going to be able to survive this, God wouldn't have guided me to this opportunity.

I think the thing that bothers me the most is that I'm going to be away from my family, you ladies included. I consider each and every one of you as the sisters I always wished that I had (nothing against Bryce or anything). I feel like I can tell you guys just about anything, because we've grown so close. I love you guys so much. Just like with Alex, don't think any of you are going to escape me while I'm gone, because I WILL FIND YOU. You all have to promise me that no matter what happens, and no matter how hard things get, we won't lose contact with one another. I care about you all too much to cut off our friendships now. You have me for life. Sorry, but it's the truth. Get over it.

I guess that's all I really have to say for right now, but you will hear from me again soon!


1 comment:

  1. Sara...
    You will be fine. The hard truth is that at one point in life we had to grow up. College just happened to be the chance. I am staying here these two years but then I will experiencing the same things you are having trouble believing. I have also grow. To see u as a close friend even though i have acted rude at times. We have catching fire to see and I'm so excited to see it with all of you. All we need is to wait and get the tickets.Take care and don't worry you will be coming back with crazy college stories.
    Love G
