Friday, August 2, 2013


Hey ladies! So, I've decided to take this post and devote it to expressing my admiration for John and Hank Green. Now, John Green, as all of you know, is the author of several incredible books, including The Fault in Our Stars, Paper Towns, An Abundance of Catherines, and Looking for Alaska. Now, I know that most of you have read at least one of his books, but if you haven't, I strongly encourage you to do so. I mean, you don't have to, because it's not like I'm holding a gun against your head or anything, but if you are looking for something to read, these are all great books. Now, Hank, John's brother, is not an author, but he produces the Vlogbrothers videos with John. Every Friday he releases a video, and every Tuesday John releases one on Youtube. They are all under four minutes, and they are sometimes funny, sometimes serious, but always entertaining.

So, enough of my blabber. I've decided to show you all why I admire these two so much through a collection of pictures/quotes that I have put together.

Makes me love John Green even more.

'Cause Donut.

John Green always so amazing.

This man. Oh John Green, you are fantastic.
We can't know better until knowing better is useless
Only a genius can say this, as well as " chicken nuggets are my family"
John Green, ladies and gentlemen.

John Green

John Green

How we feel

the only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive

I love your words, John Green

This was part of Hank's graduation speech.
Hank Green's graduation speech. *It's just life and if you're not even trying to be happy then why?*
being stupid

Where to find geek girls
John Green: What To Do With Your Life (vlogbrothers)

Nerdfigters! We're fighting nerds, we're no longer just using our words (although, by and large, we are really articulate)
John and Hank's fans are called Nerdfighters, and I like to consider myself part of this lovely bunch of people.

This is a Hank quote, but he is Awesome, Jr., so it's ok to still love it.  I mean, he's like Diet Awesome.

"We aren't born with a self. We create ourselves. You make you."
I really like their videos, so I'm going to post the most recent video that they each created.

Here is Hank's.

And here is John's. He just had a baby girl named Alice, so he's been gone for a while from the videos, leaving replacement vlogers to cover for him. This is the first video he is back in. :)

And here is another video that has absolutely nothing to do with the Green brothers, but I just can't help posting it. It totally made my day when I found it.

So, have a wonderful day, and DFTBA!

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