Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Here's how it's going

So I decided against doing the videos. Tomorrow I'll just try and take some pictures and post them on here. I don't really feel like typing too much so I'll just keep it short.

So far I haven't really minded commuting. The only thing I worry about is how I'm going to keep coming up with gas money. Now that I came back I've had this feeling of "what now?" like I don't know what I'm supposed to do next. I know I'm happier here than I would be there but I just don't know where to go from here.

My classes aren't too bad I guess. I'm not really fond of having to take college algebra again when I already know the material and I'm just bored. Plus, I miss Mr. Zuba. He was such a great teacher and I don't want to have another math teacher if its not him. The professor I have should be the high school teacher because he's too easy, like he'll take people's bullshit as apposed to Zuba who won't and he actually makes his class challenging. My acting professor is really out there. She has a lot of energy and there's some interesting activities in the class. There's also this one guy in the class that reminds me of Philip from Survivor. If any of you guys have seen any of the recent seasons, you'll know who I'm talking about. I miss Mrs. Powers too...

Honestly, being at school is kinda depressing for me. I don't have any friends, other than John, and I haven't had an actual conversation in person with someone other than my parents for two days. I eat alone, I do homework alone, I am just always alone and its really depressing. And its really hard to think of my friends who are still in high school and they're having all this fun together and I fear they will forget about me like they've done to others who have graduated in the class. I fear they won't try to include me in anything and I get to see on facebook just how good of a time they're having together as I sit there alone. If we hadn't started that chat thing and I didn't have you guys to talk to any time of the day on that, I probably would have broke down in tears already on the third day of classes. I really can't wait for this year to be over with.

Today on the quad they had this Martin Luther King honoring thingy and it was really good. They started with the chaplain telling us some info and then a congressman from Washington spoke for a while. Then they played the recorded speech MLK gave fifty years ago. I'm not kidding you, nobody was on their phone or messing around or talking. When the speech ended, the congressman began to stand up but then there was this voice way in the back where people were standing they were singing. One by one, people joined in singing America the Beautiful (I'm not sure if that's the name but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about). Eventually a lot of people were singing. The chaplain and the congressman were so surprised. One of the most beautiful, chilling things I've ever witnessed...

This wasn't as short as I would have hoped it to be...

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