Monday, August 5, 2013


It's over. This last week has not been anything close to fantastic. It's been really, really bad.

So it all started with this stinking garage sale and having to clear up my grandpa's trailer. It was so much work and so much lifting (yeah guess who ended up doing most of the heavy lifting -_-) that my body was sore from that alone. By Tuesday I was so mentally and physically exhausted I just wanted to curl up in a ball and cry. But we still had to set up and actually do the garage sale...

Me and my big mouth says that I will make cupcakes and sell those during the garage sale as well. Well.... that ended up bad. I mean, the cupcakes turned out great. The one batch that turned out anyways... So I was on my second batch of them when I walked by the oven and saw some weird light in there. I thought maybe I left the light on from the last batch when I was checking them. That wasn't the case. When I looked in the oven, the heating element (the wire thing at the bottom of an electric oven) was sparking. The spark was making its way around the heating element towards the outlet. Yikes! So I called for my mom and she came in a grabbed the fire extinguisher.... but she didn't know how to use it. I grabbed it from her, ripped the red safety thing off, and sprayed it.... bad idea. Not only was it a bad idea to let the asthmatic kid use the fire extinguisher but the stuff got all over the place and it wasn't helping the sparking! My mom called the fire department and I got the cats out of the house (I had to put them in fry boxes from work outside xD ). Go figure by the time they got here the oven had stopped sparking and all was well... well except for the kitchen being covered in that fire extinguisher shit. But one batch of peanut butter cupcakes had been saved! Oh yeah I almost forgot: after all that I still had to immediately to work... -_-

Speaking of work: I'm free!! Dear God I'm free!!! The last week of work has been shit. My favorite manager has been on vacation and I was put in bubble (order taking for drive thru and money) almost every time I worked. Now that we have the two lanes its extra hard to do. I had a hard enough time with one lane. Last night when I was put back there, I nearly cried. I was so exhausted I didn't want to have to deal with it anymore. I just kept telling myself just one more day. Now I'm free.

There's more.

Friday I went to the doctor because of all these migraines I've been having and sometimes its centered in this one spot. Well, when I told my doctor that I'm having severe pain in this one spot of my head/brain, she sent me straight to the hospital to have a ct scan done on my brain. She feared that I had a blood vessel leak somewhere that was causing the severe pain in the one spot. So I was like, "I have to go to the hospital right now?" They said yes... Of course my mom was at home running the garage sale so I called her and told her what was going on. She got a little freaked out and said she'd have my dad come home from work so they could close up and join me. Meanwhile I went to the hospital and had the scan done. In my doctor's words my brain is "normal". I'm sure some people may beg to differ but at least I'm ok.

So long story short, I'm physically and mentally exhausted and you guys have no idea how much I'm looking forward to Six Flags right now. Let's just hope I can get over this freaking cold before then.



  1. Rachel
    I'm so sorry that this week hasn't been going well. Just know that we will be here if you need anything. Virtual hug. And of course six flags should cheer you up since you will be surrounded by friends and the adrenaline rush of getting on the rides. I hope you get better.
