Friday, October 11, 2013


So, I've decided that I really want to try and post at least once a week. These posts will probably end up being written on the weekends, since that's when I have to most time. ("Falling Slowly" by The Frames) Yup, I'm listening to Pandora again. :) Music calms me and makes me feel happy and good about life, so I spend a lot of time listening to it. Thinking about getting one of those really fancy headphones, like the Beats or something similar...

THE RESNET PEOPLE HERE ARE MY HEROS. As you all know from my last post, Netflix wasn't working when season 8 of Supernatural came out, so I was freaking out and panicking about not being able to finish it in time for the season 9 premiere. Well, I was talking with some girls in my wing, asking if they knew how to fix it, and they all said no. But, at about midnight on Saturday, a guy that works for Resnet on campus just happened to be walking through the hallway, and my friend asked him if he could help me out, AND HE FIXED NETFLIX!! That night I stayed up until four in the morning watching it, got back up at eight, watched it until about 11:30 in the morning, and then did homework. In between homework and classes on Monday and Tuesday I watched it, and I FINISHED SEASON 8 WITH 5 HOURS TO SPARE BEFORE SEASON 9 PREMIERED. CASTIEL AND THE WINCHESTERS WERE ON MY SIDE.

Lets see, well, tonight I'm going dancing with a group of friends. There's another black-light dance party, this time in a different dorm. The last one was a lot of fun, and since I have nothing better to do tonight (except homework, but who does homework these days? Haha) I might as well join some of the people in my dorm that are going.

I have my room to myself this weekend, which is nice.

Every Thursday I have my chemistry lab, and my lab partner is really awesome. She's super sweet, and we hang out a lot outside of the classroom. You guys would really like her. There are these two guys that work at the same table that we do, and they are hilarious. This week we were joking around, and without thinking about who I was talking to, I told one of the guys that I was going to punch him in he face (jokingly, of course). They were so shocked that I just started laughing even harder than I already was. After the initial shock they thought it was funny and wouldn't stop teasing me about it for the rest of the lab. I'm so used to joking with all of you that I forget that most people here don't expect my violent sense of humor.

Today I was walking through the Student Center and I saw a guy sitting at one of the couches reading The Fault in Our Stars, and I nearly screamed. I actually got up the courage to go ask him what part he was on, figuring that any fan of John Green would be cool with talking to another nerdfighter (he was at the part where they are picking up Augustus to go to Amsterdam, by the way). I found out that he had just finished reading Looking for Alaska and had heard that TiFiOS was really good. He's a Junior and double majoring in English education and professional writing. I really wanted to get his number so that I could just sit and talk about books with him all day long, but I didn't want to be a creeper. My friend that was with me thought that I was crazy, but she said that if him and I were meant to be friends, then we would end up meeting up again in the future. Cross our fingers. :)

That's all I can really think of now, but you may hear from me again this weekend of I think of anything else. :)

Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Sara!
    You party animal!!! Partying and staying until four in the morning. Wow you have had an exciting time. I just sit at home and go to sleep early. Makes me feel as if I have a boring life so far. Can't wait until I transfer if that's the case. And you are making lots of friends. I still haven't. Although I got over calc guy. He is a party drinker. So avoiding him. Better not be doing anything other than dancing. Good to know you are good.
