Saturday, October 26, 2013

I've finally lost it.

I don't know if this ever happens to any of you guys but it happens to me every now and then. I'll wake up in the middle of the night from a dream about doing homework or being at work, and I'll believe that I really need to get up and do my homework or get back to the work. While I'm awake. But then somewhere in the back of my mind I'll remember "it isn't real, I just have to get up and walk around to wake myself up a bit." So I'll get up and walk around and that feeling of having to get something done will leave and I'll be back in reality and go back to sleep.

Not this morning...

So I've been getting these bad migraines that are focused in one spot on the back of my head and it's one of the most painful things I have ever experienced. They've been getting more frequent (and I hate my doctor because she's like "oh well its not what I thought it was so no need to worry" and I'm like bitch this is my brain!) and I usually wake up with them in the middle of the night. So this morning I woke up around 5 and my head felt like it was just starting to get one these migraines. I was so convinced that there were little people inside my brain trying to destroy that part of my brain... no joke. So in the back of my mind I'm thinking "it's just like the other stuff, you just got to get up for a little bit." So I get up, walk around a little, go out to the kitchen and take more cold medicine, and then go back to bed.... but I still believed there were little people trying to invade my brain! I totally believed that up until the moment I fell back to sleep too.

My old doctor is back in Rockford so I'm going to see her about my brain... hopefully she can get rid of the little people...

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