Monday, October 28, 2013

My Fairytale

So, you guys posting about your dreams got me thinking about mine. I'm now filled with wanderlust and I feel like even more of a hopeless romantic than I was before. So, now you all get to hear about what I truly dream about wanting in my future.

So, I'm a hopeless romantic. Always have been, always will be. I'm independent and I can take care of myself, but I would like a man to walk by my side through life. I want someone who looks at me like Flynn looks at Rapunzel, like Ron looks at Hermione, like Peeta looks at Katniss, like Jared looks at Genevieve. I want someone to truly think that I am beautiful, and to not be afraid to tell me that. I'll admit that I've had self-esteem issues when it comes to my appearance. I've never thought of myself as beautiful or anything like that, and I know that I shouldn't need a man to tell me that I am in order to feel that way, but it would be nice to hear it every from one every once in a while. I want someone who will hug me and won't judge me when I get emotional over fictional characters. I want someone who I'm not afraid to cry in front of. I want someone whose eyes light up when they talk about something they are passionate about. Someone who will stay up late to talk about silly things one minute, and then deep, thought-provoking topics the next. Someone who can't wait until the next time he gets to see me. A man who believes in random, cute, romantic gestures, such as bringing me flowers or sending me cute texts throughout the day. I want someone to describe me like Augustus describes Hazel. Someone who likes to say bad puns just to make me laugh. Someone who doesn't mind my insanity, who will still want to be around me when I'm an emotional, anxiety-filled mess. Someone who will just sit quietly and read with me, not worrying about filling the silence. A person that will just listen to music with me and sing along at the top of their lungs without caring if they are totally off-key.

I want to go on an adventure, and I want to go on one with you ladies. In earlier posts when you guys were talking about going on a trip somewhere in a few years, I got super excited when you brought it up, because this is something that I've always wanted to do. I just love picturing all of us on an airplane, barely able to contain our excitement of traveling somewhere new and mysterious. I want to do cheesy touristy things with you all. I want to see the Eiffel Tower at night and point out cute French boys with you all. I want to go to London and scream "the British are coming!" just for the hell of it. I want to drink tea in England. I want to see Ireland and eat at an Irish pub. I want to ride on a gondala in Italy. (I realize that this is sounding a lot like Rachel's post, sorry about that. I'll stop.)

I should probably get back to studying... so, I guess I'll talk to you all later.


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