Friday, February 28, 2014

Put Me In Summer And I'll Be A.....

I feel like Olaf right now. I just really need it to warm up. I am sick of the incessant shivering and the trudging around looking like a marshmallow that comes with winter. The sun needs to stick around and the grass needs to win this battle against the winter fairies that defecate all over it.

So, someone on my floor cooked Ramen Noodles without water, burning them (obviously) and then threw them in the trash, melting the plastic bag and creating a boat load of smoke. This in turn caused the smoke alarms to go off, leading the entire building to have to evacuate. I was not in the building when this occurred, but the sickening smell that hit me when I walked on to my floor made it obvious that something had been burned. My floor was absolutely freezing the rest of the night due to everyone trying to air out their rooms. I can still smell the smoke when I walk past the microwave room, and this happened Wednesday.

I have found that music can be one of the greatest medicines to help a person cling to their sanity in times of great stress, and since it sounds as if many of you have been having a rough couple of weeks, I think it calls for a music video montage (or the closest I can get to a montage. You all will still have to click on the videos). I don't care how much homework you have to do right now, humor me and take a break, because you deserve it. So, sit back, grab some chocolate, and relax as you watch and listen.

Here's a song that I really like that has a cool music video. This is by the same guy that did the "Malk" video that I posted a couple of weeks ago:
Here's another one that I like:
This song is kind of relaxing:
And, for those of you who like to listen to classical music (I actually don't know if any of you do. Now I'm curious, do any of you guys like to listen to classical music? I feel like I should know this. Now I feel like a terrible person for not knowing.) here's a cover of a song that I am sure you all know:
I think that I am going to try and do this every week, where I post three or four songs for you all to listen to, because I know that you are all busy, and I want to make sure that you make room for some music in your life.

Also, here's a video that I hope will put a smile on all of your faces:

Okay, I need to stop or this whole post will become nothing but Youtube videos. Tonight I think I am going bowling with a group of people. Then, the rest of this weekend is going to be filled with homework and baking. We are going to be hosting a bake sale to raise money for our St. Baldrick's fundraiser. Wish us luck!

Oh! So Connor had me read this short story called "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury, and I strongly suggest you all read it. Here's a link:

It got me really thinking how fragile the scheme of time and events really is. How one simple thing such as forgetting your umbrella and having to take two minutes to go back inside and grab it could change the entire outcome of your life. Because you took those two minutes to go back inside, you could have just missed walking past your future husband/wife, or it could have caused your path to cross his/hers when it wouldn't have if you weren't two minutes late to where ever you were headed. What if something as little as a person holding on to a spoon instead of dropping it like they were "supposed" to is the reason why you were born, and without that happening you would have never come into existence. It  freaks me out how the tiniest details could possibly create huge ripples in how much future comes out, and how I'm not really in control of those details because I don't know how they can affect me until whatever they cause to happen has happened.

This also begs the question, is our life already planned out, and only accidents could possibly alter it, or do we actually have the power to chose what we want to do with our futures? Do we just get the impression that we have freewill because it feels as though we make our own decisions? Are our brains already wired in predetermined ways so that when the time comes we make whatever decision we are "supposed" to make? Or are we really born a blank slate, with the ability to become whoever we desire? This is honestly something that really bothers me, because nobody really knows the answer.

Anyway, I better end it here before I continue to rant.


Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crash Course in es and do cocaine

This is probably going to be a very short post, but I'm in a very good mood so I thought I should post.

Yes, we watched one of Hank Green's Crash Courses in environmental science yesterday. My prof passes on awesomeness. We were also talking about how spending time in nature is the equivalent to taking anti-depressants. The prof was talking about how nature makes us happen, like cocaine. And at the end of every conversation he asks what the take home lesson is. So immediately after the cocaine comment he asked this and everyone in the class said "Do cocaine". The prof just about died laughing.

Let's see... I've finally had some time to breath the past day or so after all the homework and projects.

If you guys are interested I can keep posting about my environmental learning on here. I find it all so fascinating and it's been changing how I view everything which has never happened to me before. I saw Gardenia's post and I was glad to see you find it interesting and not annoying Garde, so thank you for that. I can do more, I just don't want to annoy you guys.

I think we all just need a round of the knife game. I've been reading these posts and it just seems like we really need it right now. Damn winter.

I had my first choir concert and that went pretty well on Tuesday. Very cramped, but it went well. Now to learn Hebrew...

So I had this dream right, and it was of course about the zombie apocalypse. I had a boyfriend (no idea who this guy was but he was my boyfriend). It was a weird apocalypse because Barnes & Noble was still open. Anyway, my boyfriend had been bit but he was taking a lot longer than usual to die, so I thought he'd make it through it, he was immune or something. Well we were at my grandparents house and they weren't home, he was sitting at this desk and I was in the kitchen. Well... he died at the desk. Apparently he had been working on some cure that was goo-like that would either stop the virus or at least slow it down. Well... it only made him an intelligent zombie. Our friend comes in (no idea who she was either but she was apparently my friend) and goes over to him. He sits right up (he's a zombie now) and listens to hear as she talks. Then she says something about me and that just triggers something in him. He rushes PAST her into the kitchen to me and tries to eat me. This whole time he's talking (I don't remember what he was saying) and the other girl was flinging some of that goo at him, but that wasn't working. So the girl grabs a straw and shoves in through his brain. This whole time I had just been pushing him away from me because I didn't want to kill him! I still had hope for him and I'm sobbing my eyes out because he was a zombie. After she stabs him with the straw, he fell to the ground but kept moaning, asking if he was dead yet. I'm assuming he ended up dying.

Moral of the story, I finally get a boyfriend in my dreams but he tries to eat me.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

but look at them


Look at him. He looks so sad that you don't love him.

Okay, but daddy long legs are pretty cute, though.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Guess Ill Follow Marissa's Example

So this is G posting once again.
Continue reading if you are truly interested in knowing about my day, or are too bored out of your mind that you need something to do.
So how has it been?
I should finish editing my english paper right now, but this melted brain of mine needs a little break. Ive already revised half of it and i feel confident that it is sounding better. So im typing this post as i listen to terminator salvation in the background. SO YEAH. This essay. Not my best work though. I really have to start writing my papers sooner but i get so distracted, i cant even describe in words how distracted. I agree with marissa. This semester is packed with more homework. But we will get through it as we always have.
Im going to use this post to vent out anything that comes to mind. The other day, as some of you already know, i got angry with my parents. There will be times that i feel as if im constantly being compared to my cousins and i really dont like that. I want to be able to go through each day feeling accomplished for something i did and enjoyed doing, not because i have to be better. But i guess my anger was childish. So ive gotten over it. I love my parents so much that i literally feel like bursting into a million bits if i dont talk to them. Therefore idk where they get the idea that i will forget about them once i finish college and have my own career. Then again i understand their fear, because i probably am a horrible person deep inside and would allow something like that to happen. But i will fight with myself to keep our connection strong.
Some of you find my watching of animal shows odd, but i find them fascinating. Except when it comes to spiders, keep those away. But i really love watching these shows. After reading Rachel's thoughtful post, ive been thinking about everything in depth. For example, the other day i was getting ready to go to work (man it feels weird to say that; goodbye young adulthood and hello independence. Not really but its a start) and i saw my bird looking at me from the corner of my eye. Then it turned to look at my shoes and thought, "we humans are very odd creatures." like we need rubber to cover our soft wittle feet and keep them away from damage, but what about animals? What keeps their feet warm? Huh. Anyways, Thank you Rachel. You really have me thinking.
Umm what else...
Oh ok i got something. Well its more of a question. In my humanities class we have to do a research paper and i need to choose a topic from the any of the chapters we are doing this semester, which expand from early beginnings to right before the renaissance. We cant chose people or specific works, we have to chose something from the different cultural expressions: art, architecture, philosophy, medicine, literature, etc... What im trying to ask. Any suggestions?
So i spent over an hour on the phone today with comcast. I was hoping to get someone sent out to reestablish my internet connection to my desktop. My wifi works, its just that my desktop isnt reading the signal. I think i only talked for about ten minutes, because the rest of the time i was put on hold. And GUESS WHAT? I spent that whole time trying to get an answer, only to be told that my desktop's LAN driver was erased when i reset the computer system. So it wont be reading anything anytime soon until i call dell and have them tell me how to install it again. there goes another hour.
I wish i could make this post longer, but ive procrastinated enough as it is and should get back to my paper. Which is due tomorrow. :/
Ill post something less gloomy sometime soon. I would say tomorrow but if i cant get to it then ill be called a liar again and be shunned from the group. Which is what is happening right now. :)
Take Care,

Monday, February 24, 2014


Yes, I am posting again. Thing is, I kinda need to just let everything out right now.
Stress, stress. For a matter of weeks. No, maybe its reached months. I can't keep track anymore. Stress has just kept piling up in my head, and as soon as I clear off a piece of whatever was causing it, another thing just swoops on in and takes its place. And then another thing just nuzzles itself up there after that one was replaced, so then I have more to worry about.
First, we have work. As if I didn't hate work enough, my manager decided to throw me on truck. Basically, I have to wake up at 5 in the morning to be able to get to work by 6 to restock the damn store. Then the next day I have to wake up at 6 to be able to leave at 7 to make it to school by 8. Does anybody not sleep anymore? Oh wait? It's just me? Oh. Well then. I love getting hours, at least. it's nice to get at least ten hours a week when I used to get a minimum of 5, or slightly less. My hours still don't cut it though. My car payment is $250 a month, and my school payment is $332 a month. I get paid a minimum of $300 a month. That doesn't quite add up, does it? Silly Marissa. The whole reason I got a job was so I didn't have to depend on my parents anymore. But guess what? I can't make my full payments. I can't have fun anymore, I can't eat out anymore, I can't buy myself anything anymore. It's like I earn less money than before I had a job. I suppose its partly my fault since I totaled my first car. Now I have to pay the price for a new car. On the other hand, I would've settled for a cheap used car. But my parents thought it would be a better idea to get a car I would actually like. Well thanks, mom and dad. I'm completely useless now.
School is difficult. I have enormous amounts of homework, a speech in about a week, I just had two exams in the past two weeks, and I sit next to an annoying blonde chick in my English class. I swear, one of these days I'm just gonna stick my fist out to the side and punch her in the face. Hopefully I'll knock a few teeth loose. Better yet, maybe I'll just break her Beats, her Mac, and her iPhone. See how she feels about that.

Last year, I kind of rose up my own bravado, and started feeling better about myself. I was working out, I was smiling, and I felt good about how I looked. Ever since this year started, though, I kind of cringe every time I look in the mirror. I've grown afraid to look in the mirror. I've stopped taking care of myself, and I barely work out anymore. My room is always a disaster, and it constantly makes me feel even worse about myself.
I've been a really bad girlfriend as well. I don't listen to him anymore, and I don't talk to him. I just space out when we're on the phone. I do it to everybody I'm with as well. I just.. stare. I don't know what to do anymore. My stress is overwhelming. I need a break. This is why I need Spring Break. I need a break. Luis and I already have plans, and he is gonna come over for his spring break and give me a massage, take me to the movies, and help me relax. I'm not depressed or anything, I swear. I am just extremely stressed. I'm going to go watch Dexter now, and think about doing one of the two essays that are due Wednesday.
This is basically my life right now.

Au revoir!


Ok, for my environmental science class I'm supposed to gather comments on what you guys think about this.

Cutting down trees:

The percentages for the amount of land we've used up are not pretty. We're almost to one hundred percent. Anyway, we cut down trees for roads, paper, and agriculture. Technically speaking, we own national parks which is where most trees are being cut down from. If we own these trees, should we really be paying for companies to go in and cut them down just so they can SELL it back to us? We're paying for something that we actually own. On the other hand, should we be paying more for paper because of the fact that the resources are running low? My professor says to get companies to stop cutting down trees, we simply have to stop paying for paper. Books... books... can't stop buying books...

Also, politically speaking, republicans are living in so much ignorant bliss because all they think about is the economic gains of cutting down large expanses of trees. I believe it was Regan who passed a Road Less act stating that no more roads can be built. If there wasn't a road already there, we can't put one there. Bush immediately repealed this act. And now Obama reinstated it.

By cutting down these trees we're destroying habitats. Habitat destruction is the number one reason for biodiversity loss. Millions of species have already become extinct because of habitat destruction, and furthering the tree cutting is furthering the extinction. Now, most places will plant new trees where they cut down old ones. However, this isn't restoring the habitat for those species, and they mainly re-plant to come back in 20-30 years to cut down again.


Comment with opinions please, I'm supposed to be ready to share on Wednesday what friends thought.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cold Tea is Kind of Gross

So, I've been trying to study for my Biology Unity of Life lab practical that I have on Thursday by looking up labeled microscopic images of plant and animal tissues, and it is getting me absolutely no where. I think I may have given up on bio for the night.

What's new? Hmm... Well, I ended up not getting the RA position. I was put on the waiting list, though, which means there is still a chance that I could still be hired, which would be fantastic. But, only time will tell, I guess.

These past couple of weeks have been quite busy with preparing for exams and just school and life in general. I have a bunch of stuff that I have to do this weekend, and now I'm just procrastinating, because I don't feel like dealing with it right now.

Have any of you heard of the St. Baldrick's foundation? Allow me to explain. This foundation does research for children with cancer, and any group or organization can put together a St. Baldrick's fundraising event. My friend Ashley is putting one together, and my other friend Neal and I are co-treasurers. There are others involved too. What happens is, you set a goal (ours is $8,000) and you try and raise that much money through any kind of fundraising you can come up with by a certain date (our tentative date is May 4). For instance, we are planning on putting together a bake sale, among a few other things such as trying to make it a competition between the frat houses. Anyway, you set a date to raise this money by, and then you shave your head in awareness of those with cancer. And I think I'm going to do it. No matter what, I'm helping with the fundraising in any way that I can, but I am seriously considering joining in on getting my head shaved. I'm still on the fence though.

Okay, so I never really thought that I would get in to any kind of punk rock music, but I really like My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album. Like, a lot. Like, I'm pretty sure this is one of my personal favorite albums. This is all Connor's fault. I strongly suggest that you people check them out (if you haven't already). Here's a video of one of my favorite songs by them.
And you know what, I'm going to throw in another favorite. This one isn't off of their Black Parade album, but it's just a really amazing song. And I love the video.
Let me know what you think!

I should probably be doing homework, but just thinking about it kind of freaks me out right now. I'll probably call it a night after this. But, I don't really feel like going to sleep.

I can't wait until it warms up so that I can go out and lay in an open field and stare up at the stars. You should see them here on a clear night. They are stunning. I wish it was this way in Rockford, but the stupid city lights get in the way and hide the magnificent suns that grace us with a glimpse of their beauty from far away.

I don't really know what else to say. This happens every time I go to write one of these. I get really excited and then I totally blank on what to say. Gah, it's so annoying! But, anyway, I guess I'll end this here.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

I swear I'm actually talking about my life.

Wow. I guess it has been a while since I've actually talked about my life and how I'm doing on here. Usually I write some random nonsense that probably nobody cares about. So I guess I'll actually talk about life.

Classes are getting just hectic. I've resorted to coffee which is honestly a new low for me. I can't stand coffee but I just can't get enough sleep. I wake up half a dozen times throughout the night and get to bed later than I'd like. Last night though I slept like a freaking bear in hibernation it felt so amazing and I woke feeling better than I have in weeks. Now just to get through the environmental science project, English paper, speech paper, and theater paper that's all due before midterm in two weeks. Ugh. Goodbye life. The English paper and speech was dumped on me all at once. The theater paper, yeah that one I kinda procrastinated with because I had until midterm to do. But that es project I seriously thought I had all semester to do. Nope, just nope.

Ummmm I MADE A NEW FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so happy about that. Will is pretty cool. Yeah... I guess that's it about that.

It's really freaking loud in Stenstrom today and I don't know what they're doing but it really annoys me because I can't concentrate and it's not like I can go anywhere else in this building. I was working on my es project and I gave up on it because its just too loud. The paper for that project is going beautifully. I'm really hoping to impress the teacher with this because he say that the papers he's gotten the past on this has been below college level and he's waiting for a paper to really impress him.

So at work last night, two of my fellow co-workers and some customers in drive thru heard a gunshot nearby. My headset was around my neck and I heard them so I put it on and started listening to what they were saying and I looked at one of them and saw the look on her face. To be honest, my heart just sank. I thought it finally happened. Not in an excited way, but like I knew it was bound to happen eventually. Every now and then I contemplate what would happen if there was ever a gunshot nearby, especially at work. I mean, was the gunman going to come into the store? Krystal called the police. It's like the magic word for police is gunshot and they're their in a minute, but for anything else it takes them three hours to arrive. Police showed up, but how do you even begin to look for where and who shot what or who? Nothing was found as far as I know, but still.

Maybe I'll add more to this later.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Marissa likes butts

Yo. So, I figured since everyone else has posted lately, I should post, too. Yayy! Get ready for some...highly uncomedic stuff because it isn't 3am. I'm actually quite proud of myself for not staying up past 2am this semester (and that was on a weekend). But, I have to admit, it has been hard sticking to this schedule. My body is naturally attuned to the night, so I have to take sleeping pills every night to make sure I go to bed on time, otherwise I would stay up so late. And it's kinda freaking me out; actually REALLY freaking me out, because I'm becoming a morning person??? It's so terrifying, but I am! I get my best work done in the morning. Like, this morning, I wrote 3 pages of a paper in an hour WHILE I ate breakfast. It's gotten so bad that one time I jumped right out of bed and immediately started dancing around my room because...I don't know why. Is this a normal morning thing?? Sara, explain this glorious feeling that I experience the moment I pop my eyes open each day, I'm so confused!

I do miss the night. I really miss my late night posts and that weird, contemplative feeling I get, and the extended working hours. I would love to stay up late into the night again, but I'll start getting how I was last semester: tired, unmotivated. Staying up late is fine for awhile, but after nearly three months of it, it really starts to mess with every aspect of your life. I like actually paying attention in class and being able to retain information better and faster. And it's easier for me to talk to people. 

But I'm currently writing this paper for my literature class, and holy hell, it's hard. Normally I can grasp what the teacher wants pretty easily and I just go from there. But I'm just not getting what she wants and it's making it so hard. And since I've been going to her office hours a lot to talk to her about it, I feel like I should be writing a really good paper to show her that I understand everything that I've talked to her about, but I don't think I'm going to. I understand everything in my mind, but I just can't transfer it to paper like I normally can. And it's killing me! I'm honestly scared that I'm not gonna finish it on time or I'm gonna forget to add something. And I heard she was a tough grader on papers. This isn't a strictly freshman class, so she doesn't let crap papers slide due to inexperience. Damn my writing.

Anyway! Besides that, everything else is going great. I'm really on top of all my classes and everything is just...really easy. I feel so lazy most days because I'm not...doing anything. I do all my homework, but it's so little and so easy. None of my classes really have tests. In 3 of the 4, I only have midterms and finals. Besides that, it's just mostly work that you gotta keep track of yourself, like readings and homework you don't have to turn it. But I have to admit, it is a nice break from last semester. I used to be so shocked and jealous when people would say that they've gotten all of their homework done and it'd be so early! I didn't understand how everyone had so much free time. Now I see. Oh, do I see. Even though I know this is way less than normal. But it is nice to know that I don't have to worry about my damn communications class with 3-5 papers every week on top of everything else.

And the weather was so nice today! It better stay like this, it really improves my mood, seeing the damn sun for once. But I probably shouldn't hold my breath...we'll probably have another Polar Vortex in April. 

And that is it for now. Oh! Yes, I am working on the sequel, and yes my survey is almost done! I'm just being picky about it. And I'm being picky about the sequel, too. AND IF SOMEONE WOULD DECIDE ON THE DAMN HONEYMOON SPOT IT WOULD BE EASIER. I'm hoping to really get into it after Spring Break, once midterms and everything else is done.

I just realized this is the longest I have ever been away from home. BOW DOWN TO MY INDEPENDENCE MOTHER AND FATHER. 

This semester is crazy! We have Spring Break soon, then a couple more weeks to Easter Break, then just a few more to the end! It's split up quite nicely and we're halfway there. Just take it section by section and you'll do great! Then summer, and we get to hang out all the door and create a longer list of things we'll never do, and it's going to be so much fun. Just hang on till then, you can do it!

P.S. Marissa likes big butts and she cannot lie

Monday, February 17, 2014

Time is like a potato.

Yes, I know. That title is so majestic.
What is going on in the wonderful world of Marissa?
Absolutely nothing. Yep. This wouldn't make a very good novel, would it? School, work. School, work. Fun fun.
I don't feel like finishing this right now.. I'll get back to it later.
I'm back! *applause, cheering, people yelling my name*
Oh stop it, you. I know, I know. I'm the coolest.
I'm watching The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2. Quasimodo is such a cheese ball. I can't stop laughing. This is all this post is gonna be about by the way. Blabbing about random stuff. Now the gargoyles are singing. Sheesh.
Speaking of gargoyles.. Do you remember there show Gargoyles? That was the shit.
I really have no idea what to talk about. I should probably start my homework, shouldn't I?
Be right back, i'm gonna go fix Luis a plate before all the food is gone, baha.
I'm home! Yay!
It's so quiet compared to being at Luis' house.. where  he has two little brothers and six dogs. SIX. They're all really nice though, and I had a lot of fun with his brothers. Including his two older brothers, Angel and Gilbert. They all include me, and its awesome. (:
Okay, so Valentine's day. Yeah. When Luis picked me up, I was excited because it was our second V-day, and I was hoping it would be better than last year. Well.. That hope kind of died when he spent the day working on his brother's car. Literally. All day. I didn't get to see him until 7. And then our plans to go out to Red Lobster were compromised when the wait for a damn table as 2 hours. Umm. No. I'm hungry. Feed me. So we decided to just get some Chinese food for the night and go home, cuddle, and watch movies. We were gonna have our Valentine's Day dinner the next day. That went well. Considering we both fell asleep at like 11 at night. The next day Luis had class, and work. So I didn't see him until 8. And guess what? IT WAS THEIR COUSIN'S BIRTHDAY. So of course we had to visit their cousin for her birthday and go watch Vampire Academy with her. No romantic dinner. I'm not complaining.. Okay, maybe just a little.. But the movie was pretty good. I was slightly disappointed during some parts, but overall I liked the movie. Anyways.. I guess my Valentine's day could have been better. I have to say it was marginally better than last year. Last year I had "strep throat" or what felt like it, for V-day. And Luis dragged me out to the mall with Xavier and Megan. Yay Megan! At least I got Red Mango, right?
Enough of my crappy Valentine's Day stories. I don't really know what to talk about anymore.. Umm. Hm.. I guess I shall just end it here. :P
Au revoir, mes amies! (I'm pretty sure that's wrong. So Alexandria, keep your nipples shut.)

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reader's Digest Version of My Week

Hey ladies,

I want to be able to keep my weekly posting going, but I think that this one may be a bit brief. This week has been crazy hectic with exams, the career fair, concerts that I had to go to for Music Appreciation class, and then just school in general. It was actually a fun week, but today was the first day I had time to post here, and I haven't been feeling well all day. Hopefully I am just in need of sleep and that by the time I wake up tomorrow morning I will be back to feeling like my normal self.

I honestly am drawing a complete blank on what to even talk about. Hmmm.... Oh!

So, for Valentine's Day I made Connor his present. I filled a small jar with slips of red paper that said reasons why he is awesome and happy memories between the two of us so that he can read them whenever he is having a bad day and hopefully it will cheer him up. Connor got me chocolates and Hollow City (the sequel to Miss Peregrin's Home for Peculiar Children. I mentioned once that I was excited that the sequel came out, and he remembered, which was really sweet.) Earlier in the week Connor asked me if I wanted to go on a date Friday, and I said yes. I asked him what he had in mind, and he said, "Oh, I already have it all planned out, you're just not allowed to know about it." He took me out to dinner and then we went to the movie theater to go see Winter's Tale (which, by the way, I thought was a pretty awesome movie and recommend you all to go watch it at some point). We took the shuttle out there on Saturday because we didn't realize that the shuttle didn't run off campus on Friday's, but then we got stranded at the movie theater because we got out of the movie after the shuttles stopped running. We ended up having to call our friend Ashley, who was such a sweetheart and was totally cool with coming to our rescue. All in all, I had a lot of fun.

I think I'm going to end this post for now, but I will write again later in the week.


My Week Sounds Horrible But Im Fine

Hey ladies!
Its been a while since ive posted. But i believe i will make this one short. Well i want to start off by saying that today was officially my first day of work. I felt that it went okay for a first day, if only i wasnt already hated by one of the people there. I wasnt punching in right. I guess it was my mistake, but i would have appreciated a kinder tone of voice, geez lady its my first day. Ive never worked before! I was already nervous as it was, i didnt need to get yelled at. Well a manager told me not to take it to heart as i was punching out. Oh well, this first day is out of the way, now i kind of have an idea of what will be required of me.
Hmm what else to talk about. Oh for those who havent been able to access kik, i failed my first chemistry test. And it has really bugged me. I know you guys say to shake it off, but what bugs me is not that i got an F, but the fact that the prof says she can help, yet i ask her a question and she answers as if she is burdened by it. Well im over it, i just have to practice harder than i was. Oh I did come up with a way to study and it did help as i retried my online homework assignment. I am writing the steps to solving specific problems on notecards. My dad calls it cheating, but i call it a study tool.
Changing subject, things between Cesar and me are not getting anywhere, on the other hand it seems as if we arent talking as much anymore. For example he has gone studying for calc with two people from my class, and he hasnt asked me this semester. Umm, he asked me one day, but i said no because i was going to class. So to make this story short, this chica is moving on. I will be patient and wait for the one who is actually interested in me. (Alexandria you better be writing that sequel, i really love how you wrote the first one. It really cheered me up and made my day. I need more of those kinds of laugh often. So i will be expecting it soon.)
Hmm. I feel as if i was going to say something, but i cant remember what it is now. *Can you feel me when i think about you with every breath i take....ive been wandering the desert for a thousand days i dont know if its a mirage but i see your guys face everyday* Sorry selena gomez came up. I dont know, i cant remember, but im going to stop by softball conditioning. yea i will be bumping into coach, but i am really really really really really really curious as to who will be playing this year. Coach asked me to help, but i said i couldnt because of classes. My mom already told me not to say yes, that i have school and work now. Ummm. I think that is it for today, i will have to post again soon.
Oh my god i had to edit this post's title, as i was reading i realized that my week hasnt been the best and that it sounds sad. Wow. Well time to "let it go." Back to no softy Gardenia.
<3 G

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations

No this is not me reciting my favorite quotes to you. This is in fact me trying to explain my thoughts to you. Yet I'm not sure what I'm aiming at here. My goal isn't too persuade you to believe anything. Maybe it's just too make you aware of what's going on and what could potentially happen to our future. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. MY THOUGHTS ARE STARS I CANNOT FATHOM INTO CONSTELLATIONS.

Between environmental science and watching a whole bunch of the vlogbrothers videos and Nerdfighters, I'm taking in all of this information that's slowly sinking in and making me realize "Oh this isn't good." Think about it! We're using all of these resources not even thinking about the future! Our goal is too create, and creation is great if you create the right things for the right reasons, but our problem is that what we're creating is destroying so many species and environments. What's gonna happen when we eat up all the bacon???? Pigs reproduce but if we keep going at the rate we are, we are going to run out of bacon people! As humans, we consume outrageous amounts of products  and goods, and most of it isn't sustainable, meaning it's not going to last.

We live in a highly developed country. Along with countries such as China, Russia, the UK, and other countries like this, we are using up eighty percent of the world's resources. That leaves twenty percent for the less developed countries, and they greatly outnumber us. In fact, those numbers are reversed in terms of population. Less developed countries make up about eighty percent of the world's population while we are merely twenty percent consuming eighty percent. We constantly ask for more more more more while that eighty percent have less than of what half we do. Its true that matter is neither created nor destroyed, BUT there are resources that will not last forever! There are potentially renewable resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources will be recycled like everything else, but it won't create more of itself.

I have to read this book for environmental science called Ishmael which has a talking gorilla. Yes, a talking gorilla. Don't ask. But this gorilla possesses a vast amount of knowledge that gets you thinking about how animals survive. They were doing just fine before humans became so popular. I'm not saying I detest humans because of this, I don't detest humans at all. But this book poses two questions:

"With man gone, will there be hope for gorilla?"
"With gorilla gone, will there be hope for man?"

Take a minute to think about this, I mean it.

I'll give you my opinion on this, its not right or wrong. Gorilla can do fine without us. It's survival of the fittest and they're definitely capable of taking care of themselves and finding food. They know how to sustain. But with gorilla gone, do we really have hope? If the gorilla goes extinct that means we've lost so much biodiversity that it's really getting down to the wire. The bulk of us don't know how to sustain as it is. But then again, I shouldn't say the bulk of us because it's really only twenty percent. So then, maybe man does have hope with the gorilla gone. Just not much of the twenty percent.

Then I connected this to the Walking Dead. No, I'm done talking about the gorillas. I was thinking, if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, would the animal population stabilize and begin to increase finally after centuries upon centuries of struggle with human? Or would their population decrease even more because we all turned ravagely carnivorous? Could they outrun these genetically mutated creatures? It all depends on what kind of zombie we are. If we're the slow-moving type, odds are they may survive. But if we're those freakish runner-type zombies like World War Z, there's essentially no hope for any life...  But then again, even if we are slow, large numbers can possibly take down any predator if the predator is greatly outnumbered. I guess from my point of view, the earth may just die out if there is a zombie apocalypse.

THE WORLD DOESN'T ENTIRELY SUCK. I've probably made it sound terrible in this post, but there is hope! Infant mortality rates have gone down which generally makes families have fewer kids, therefore the world's population could eventually stabilize. Which is awesome. That means less resources being used and less destruction. Which is even more awesome! Also, medicinal resources and water are more accessible than they've ever been. Endangered Species Acts are looking to protect all biodiversity and repopulate the ecosystems that are still surviving. Alternative resources such as solar energy are becoming more affordable every year! The price has ultimately been cut in half since it was first invented! And while animals are fed things you don't want to know about that could potentially end up in our bacon, there are people out there trying to stop that cruel abuse.

No I'm not going to stop eating chicken and the occasional taco. No, I'm not going to stop buying piles of books or more clothes than I need. But I will cut back (not on books can't do it). I'm going to do what I can to give back. To help someone half way across the world. Whether its through small things like recycling or cutting back, or participating with the Nerdfighter community as they raise money for numerous charities.

I've finally found my New Year's resolution that may last forever so I guess it's not really a New Year's resolution, just a resolution: Make a difference.

Book List...again

We're gonna try to narrow it down before spring break-or sometime in March-so everyone pick your top five and put 'em in the comments...or something.
You guys can add whatever you want.
Suggestions for summer reading:

My Name is Rapunzel
My Sister's Keeper
The Dark Griffin
Going Bovine
Hostage Three
Ask the Passengers
Riding Lessons
Tiger Lily
The Casual Vacancy
Cuckoos Calling
The Best of Me
The Enchanted Heir
Winter's Tale
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

Friday, February 7, 2014

The Lost Tickle Spot of Connor Doyle

Hello, many of you may know me as "Sara Rubeck." I would like to inform your previous knowings about me are not entirely false. For I am as a matter of a fact Sara Rubeck. I mean how else would someone post under the same name? Unless of course they were to take my computer and write a message on this website themselves while they should be typing a paper for their English class. Only problem is the likelihood of all these variables coming together in this single point in time to create said situation is highly improbable. "We have normality." Oh look, a bowl of petunias just flew past Connor's window on the third floor of his dorm building, how strange. Anyway, you are probably confused by the mumbo-jumbo at the start of this and the title is probably of great interest to you too. As it should be. It has stolen my thoughts and ran away due to the simple fact Connor has very specific ticklish spots and I never seem to be able to locate them.

That was Connor. He kidnapped my laptop and held it for ransom. He could have loaded my drive with child pornography until the authorities would  be alerted, thus resulting in me being hauled away to prison in handcuffs, leaving me to attain the status of "Top Bitch" in the slammer. But, instead he wrote the above shenanigans, so my time as head jail-bird will just have to wait.

So, what's new in the world of Sara? Well, I applied to become an RA (Resident Assistant) for next year. I find out Monday whether I got the job or not. There were 169 applicants, and as of right now 33 spots open, so I definitely have some stiff competition. Last week I had my two interviews, and the RAs and RDs that interviewed me seemed to like my answers, but I guess time will only tell.

I also got in with a professor to work on undergraduate research. My lab instructor from last semester emailed my lab partner and I asking if we were interested in working with her. We both said yes, and were supposed to meet with her yesterday, but then she canceled because of a raging headache. So, next week I will begin learning the technical details of researching in a lab, and sometime this semester I will begin working on tweaking a chemical equilibrium lab that she tried to put together in the past, but it had too many flaws for it to be able to be used for class. It was for a P.Chem (Physical Chemistry) class, which is like a more advanced version of General Chemistry 2, which is what I am in. She wants to start me out on something small so that I understand what I am doing and so I don't feel overwhelmed by just being thrown into an ocean without knowing how to swim, so to speak.

Other than that, nothing too crazy has happened with me lately. I'm just chillin' with Connor right now as he writes a research paper on time travel that is due at 10:00 tonight. (Jeez, what a procrastinator :) )

There's a girl in my biology class that lives on my wing. She's talking about getting another tattoo, so Connor and I have been trying to convince her to either get three bear-dactyls on her clavicle, a face tattoo of her own face, a face tattoo of Tom Hiddleston's face, a tramp stamp that is the tramp from Lady and the Tramp on a postage stamp, or Mr. Rogers sitting on a pile of dead bodies with his sweater sleeves cut off so that you can see his tattoo sleeves. I think that all of these are brilliant tattoo ideas that are sure to knock the socks off of everyone that she passes, but she seems to disagree. I can't seem to figure out why...

Would you like to see the cutest animal in all of creation (yes, even cuter than owls)?

LOOK AT THAT FACE! THAT FACE WOULD STOP WARS, CURE CANCER, AND EVEN MAKE AL CAPONE'S HEART MELT (if, of course, just a face had the ability to do that).

Here, have another one. If this doesn't just make you want to cuddle it until the cause of its death is asphyxiation due to you smothering its face with your face, then I'm pretty sure Crowley owns your soul.

Hmmm.... what to talk about? My goal is to make this post as long as I possibly can just to annoy you all and see who is bored enough to actually read it all. So far, it's not going so well, because my brain seems to be staging a sit-in and refusing to come up with topics to write about. And I think my computer is needing an energy drink, and I forgot its life-blood.

So I am curious. Someone else please tell me that I am not crazy, and that Jared Padalecki has amazing shoulder muscles. I'll include a picture as a reference for those of you who do not know who this man is, or for those of you who would just like to be able to stare at him shirtless a little more (admit it, that is all of you reading this).

And now Connor is laughing at me. I told him once that I like Mr. Padalecki's shoulders, and now every chance he gets he teases me about it.

And now my computer is on its last leg, so I will have to cease my endeavour to set the record of the longest post on this blog.

Until we meet again!


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Operation Ambidexterity

I have become aware that my wrist and the joint in my thumb (I'm not an anatomy student here) have not taken kindly to the work load I've been receiving for school *cough cough* environmental science *cough cough*. I've had problems with my left wrist ever since the musical last year and it doesn't seem as if its going to get any better, in fact at this rate I think it'll just get worse. Work is a problem with it too.

So, my temporary solution to lessen the stress on it is to learn to write with my right hand... *gasp* I love the uniqueness of being left handed ya know? But I have to do it. No offense to right-handed people, I've just always been in my right mind *insert drum beat and symbol here*

I've started a journal to practice my hand writing. I'm hoping to get a coloring book too since the first thing we actually did (or at least I did) was color and that determined your dominant hand. So the simple writing the alphabet and coloring is what I'm working on. Sounds so lame now that I'm typing it...

Anyway, I date and time every time I practice, so here's where y'all come in. So far I've been doing a good job of keeping on this but eventually I'll probably get lazy. If you ladies wouldn't mind getting on my ass about it, tell me to take a picture of my last entry (I do the entries in pen... at least I will now...) MAKE ME KEEP TO THIS BECAUSE I PUT OFF HOMEWORK BECAUSE OF MY WRIST. I mean, you guys don't have too, just asking if you wouldn't mind. If you do mind, don't worry about it.

That's the dish. Goodbye.