Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Marissa likes butts

Yo. So, I figured since everyone else has posted lately, I should post, too. Yayy! Get ready for some...highly uncomedic stuff because it isn't 3am. I'm actually quite proud of myself for not staying up past 2am this semester (and that was on a weekend). But, I have to admit, it has been hard sticking to this schedule. My body is naturally attuned to the night, so I have to take sleeping pills every night to make sure I go to bed on time, otherwise I would stay up so late. And it's kinda freaking me out; actually REALLY freaking me out, because I'm becoming a morning person??? It's so terrifying, but I am! I get my best work done in the morning. Like, this morning, I wrote 3 pages of a paper in an hour WHILE I ate breakfast. It's gotten so bad that one time I jumped right out of bed and immediately started dancing around my room because...I don't know why. Is this a normal morning thing?? Sara, explain this glorious feeling that I experience the moment I pop my eyes open each day, I'm so confused!

I do miss the night. I really miss my late night posts and that weird, contemplative feeling I get, and the extended working hours. I would love to stay up late into the night again, but I'll start getting how I was last semester: tired, unmotivated. Staying up late is fine for awhile, but after nearly three months of it, it really starts to mess with every aspect of your life. I like actually paying attention in class and being able to retain information better and faster. And it's easier for me to talk to people. 

But I'm currently writing this paper for my literature class, and holy hell, it's hard. Normally I can grasp what the teacher wants pretty easily and I just go from there. But I'm just not getting what she wants and it's making it so hard. And since I've been going to her office hours a lot to talk to her about it, I feel like I should be writing a really good paper to show her that I understand everything that I've talked to her about, but I don't think I'm going to. I understand everything in my mind, but I just can't transfer it to paper like I normally can. And it's killing me! I'm honestly scared that I'm not gonna finish it on time or I'm gonna forget to add something. And I heard she was a tough grader on papers. This isn't a strictly freshman class, so she doesn't let crap papers slide due to inexperience. Damn my writing.

Anyway! Besides that, everything else is going great. I'm really on top of all my classes and everything is just...really easy. I feel so lazy most days because I'm not...doing anything. I do all my homework, but it's so little and so easy. None of my classes really have tests. In 3 of the 4, I only have midterms and finals. Besides that, it's just mostly work that you gotta keep track of yourself, like readings and homework you don't have to turn it. But I have to admit, it is a nice break from last semester. I used to be so shocked and jealous when people would say that they've gotten all of their homework done and it'd be so early! I didn't understand how everyone had so much free time. Now I see. Oh, do I see. Even though I know this is way less than normal. But it is nice to know that I don't have to worry about my damn communications class with 3-5 papers every week on top of everything else.

And the weather was so nice today! It better stay like this, it really improves my mood, seeing the damn sun for once. But I probably shouldn't hold my breath...we'll probably have another Polar Vortex in April. 

And that is it for now. Oh! Yes, I am working on the sequel, and yes my survey is almost done! I'm just being picky about it. And I'm being picky about the sequel, too. AND IF SOMEONE WOULD DECIDE ON THE DAMN HONEYMOON SPOT IT WOULD BE EASIER. I'm hoping to really get into it after Spring Break, once midterms and everything else is done.

I just realized this is the longest I have ever been away from home. BOW DOWN TO MY INDEPENDENCE MOTHER AND FATHER. 

This semester is crazy! We have Spring Break soon, then a couple more weeks to Easter Break, then just a few more to the end! It's split up quite nicely and we're halfway there. Just take it section by section and you'll do great! Then summer, and we get to hang out all the door and create a longer list of things we'll never do, and it's going to be so much fun. Just hang on till then, you can do it!

P.S. Marissa likes big butts and she cannot lie


  1. Alex, I'm actually becoming more of a nighttime person. I hate getting up in the mornings now, but I like getting started right away. I don't know, I feel like I'm in some sort of transition phase from early bird to night owl. It's strange.

  2. I'm grumpy either way. Morning or night.
    And I already told you the honeymoon spots. Geez I want to travel
