Thursday, February 20, 2014

I swear I'm actually talking about my life.

Wow. I guess it has been a while since I've actually talked about my life and how I'm doing on here. Usually I write some random nonsense that probably nobody cares about. So I guess I'll actually talk about life.

Classes are getting just hectic. I've resorted to coffee which is honestly a new low for me. I can't stand coffee but I just can't get enough sleep. I wake up half a dozen times throughout the night and get to bed later than I'd like. Last night though I slept like a freaking bear in hibernation it felt so amazing and I woke feeling better than I have in weeks. Now just to get through the environmental science project, English paper, speech paper, and theater paper that's all due before midterm in two weeks. Ugh. Goodbye life. The English paper and speech was dumped on me all at once. The theater paper, yeah that one I kinda procrastinated with because I had until midterm to do. But that es project I seriously thought I had all semester to do. Nope, just nope.

Ummmm I MADE A NEW FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so happy about that. Will is pretty cool. Yeah... I guess that's it about that.

It's really freaking loud in Stenstrom today and I don't know what they're doing but it really annoys me because I can't concentrate and it's not like I can go anywhere else in this building. I was working on my es project and I gave up on it because its just too loud. The paper for that project is going beautifully. I'm really hoping to impress the teacher with this because he say that the papers he's gotten the past on this has been below college level and he's waiting for a paper to really impress him.

So at work last night, two of my fellow co-workers and some customers in drive thru heard a gunshot nearby. My headset was around my neck and I heard them so I put it on and started listening to what they were saying and I looked at one of them and saw the look on her face. To be honest, my heart just sank. I thought it finally happened. Not in an excited way, but like I knew it was bound to happen eventually. Every now and then I contemplate what would happen if there was ever a gunshot nearby, especially at work. I mean, was the gunman going to come into the store? Krystal called the police. It's like the magic word for police is gunshot and they're their in a minute, but for anything else it takes them three hours to arrive. Police showed up, but how do you even begin to look for where and who shot what or who? Nothing was found as far as I know, but still.

Maybe I'll add more to this later.

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