Sunday, February 2, 2014

Operation Ambidexterity

I have become aware that my wrist and the joint in my thumb (I'm not an anatomy student here) have not taken kindly to the work load I've been receiving for school *cough cough* environmental science *cough cough*. I've had problems with my left wrist ever since the musical last year and it doesn't seem as if its going to get any better, in fact at this rate I think it'll just get worse. Work is a problem with it too.

So, my temporary solution to lessen the stress on it is to learn to write with my right hand... *gasp* I love the uniqueness of being left handed ya know? But I have to do it. No offense to right-handed people, I've just always been in my right mind *insert drum beat and symbol here*

I've started a journal to practice my hand writing. I'm hoping to get a coloring book too since the first thing we actually did (or at least I did) was color and that determined your dominant hand. So the simple writing the alphabet and coloring is what I'm working on. Sounds so lame now that I'm typing it...

Anyway, I date and time every time I practice, so here's where y'all come in. So far I've been doing a good job of keeping on this but eventually I'll probably get lazy. If you ladies wouldn't mind getting on my ass about it, tell me to take a picture of my last entry (I do the entries in pen... at least I will now...) MAKE ME KEEP TO THIS BECAUSE I PUT OFF HOMEWORK BECAUSE OF MY WRIST. I mean, you guys don't have too, just asking if you wouldn't mind. If you do mind, don't worry about it.

That's the dish. Goodbye.

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