Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations

No this is not me reciting my favorite quotes to you. This is in fact me trying to explain my thoughts to you. Yet I'm not sure what I'm aiming at here. My goal isn't too persuade you to believe anything. Maybe it's just too make you aware of what's going on and what could potentially happen to our future. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. MY THOUGHTS ARE STARS I CANNOT FATHOM INTO CONSTELLATIONS.

Between environmental science and watching a whole bunch of the vlogbrothers videos and Nerdfighters, I'm taking in all of this information that's slowly sinking in and making me realize "Oh this isn't good." Think about it! We're using all of these resources not even thinking about the future! Our goal is too create, and creation is great if you create the right things for the right reasons, but our problem is that what we're creating is destroying so many species and environments. What's gonna happen when we eat up all the bacon???? Pigs reproduce but if we keep going at the rate we are, we are going to run out of bacon people! As humans, we consume outrageous amounts of products  and goods, and most of it isn't sustainable, meaning it's not going to last.

We live in a highly developed country. Along with countries such as China, Russia, the UK, and other countries like this, we are using up eighty percent of the world's resources. That leaves twenty percent for the less developed countries, and they greatly outnumber us. In fact, those numbers are reversed in terms of population. Less developed countries make up about eighty percent of the world's population while we are merely twenty percent consuming eighty percent. We constantly ask for more more more more while that eighty percent have less than of what half we do. Its true that matter is neither created nor destroyed, BUT there are resources that will not last forever! There are potentially renewable resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources will be recycled like everything else, but it won't create more of itself.

I have to read this book for environmental science called Ishmael which has a talking gorilla. Yes, a talking gorilla. Don't ask. But this gorilla possesses a vast amount of knowledge that gets you thinking about how animals survive. They were doing just fine before humans became so popular. I'm not saying I detest humans because of this, I don't detest humans at all. But this book poses two questions:

"With man gone, will there be hope for gorilla?"
"With gorilla gone, will there be hope for man?"

Take a minute to think about this, I mean it.

I'll give you my opinion on this, its not right or wrong. Gorilla can do fine without us. It's survival of the fittest and they're definitely capable of taking care of themselves and finding food. They know how to sustain. But with gorilla gone, do we really have hope? If the gorilla goes extinct that means we've lost so much biodiversity that it's really getting down to the wire. The bulk of us don't know how to sustain as it is. But then again, I shouldn't say the bulk of us because it's really only twenty percent. So then, maybe man does have hope with the gorilla gone. Just not much of the twenty percent.

Then I connected this to the Walking Dead. No, I'm done talking about the gorillas. I was thinking, if a zombie apocalypse were to occur, would the animal population stabilize and begin to increase finally after centuries upon centuries of struggle with human? Or would their population decrease even more because we all turned ravagely carnivorous? Could they outrun these genetically mutated creatures? It all depends on what kind of zombie we are. If we're the slow-moving type, odds are they may survive. But if we're those freakish runner-type zombies like World War Z, there's essentially no hope for any life...  But then again, even if we are slow, large numbers can possibly take down any predator if the predator is greatly outnumbered. I guess from my point of view, the earth may just die out if there is a zombie apocalypse.

THE WORLD DOESN'T ENTIRELY SUCK. I've probably made it sound terrible in this post, but there is hope! Infant mortality rates have gone down which generally makes families have fewer kids, therefore the world's population could eventually stabilize. Which is awesome. That means less resources being used and less destruction. Which is even more awesome! Also, medicinal resources and water are more accessible than they've ever been. Endangered Species Acts are looking to protect all biodiversity and repopulate the ecosystems that are still surviving. Alternative resources such as solar energy are becoming more affordable every year! The price has ultimately been cut in half since it was first invented! And while animals are fed things you don't want to know about that could potentially end up in our bacon, there are people out there trying to stop that cruel abuse.

No I'm not going to stop eating chicken and the occasional taco. No, I'm not going to stop buying piles of books or more clothes than I need. But I will cut back (not on books can't do it). I'm going to do what I can to give back. To help someone half way across the world. Whether its through small things like recycling or cutting back, or participating with the Nerdfighter community as they raise money for numerous charities.

I've finally found my New Year's resolution that may last forever so I guess it's not really a New Year's resolution, just a resolution: Make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Omg Rachel! If I still had some more brain juice at the moment I would sit down and think this through thoroughly. But I must continue to work on my extra credit for humanities. Although I can say that there is still hope for the world but we must rise to make it happen. OK now I think I've drained the last bit of juice left in this brain of mine. That chm test evaporated it fast...hahaha pun was not originally intended. I don't even know if it was a pun. Who knows. so I'm going back to my zombie like writing. Search for answers write them down.
