Monday, February 24, 2014


Ok, for my environmental science class I'm supposed to gather comments on what you guys think about this.

Cutting down trees:

The percentages for the amount of land we've used up are not pretty. We're almost to one hundred percent. Anyway, we cut down trees for roads, paper, and agriculture. Technically speaking, we own national parks which is where most trees are being cut down from. If we own these trees, should we really be paying for companies to go in and cut them down just so they can SELL it back to us? We're paying for something that we actually own. On the other hand, should we be paying more for paper because of the fact that the resources are running low? My professor says to get companies to stop cutting down trees, we simply have to stop paying for paper. Books... books... can't stop buying books...

Also, politically speaking, republicans are living in so much ignorant bliss because all they think about is the economic gains of cutting down large expanses of trees. I believe it was Regan who passed a Road Less act stating that no more roads can be built. If there wasn't a road already there, we can't put one there. Bush immediately repealed this act. And now Obama reinstated it.

By cutting down these trees we're destroying habitats. Habitat destruction is the number one reason for biodiversity loss. Millions of species have already become extinct because of habitat destruction, and furthering the tree cutting is furthering the extinction. Now, most places will plant new trees where they cut down old ones. However, this isn't restoring the habitat for those species, and they mainly re-plant to come back in 20-30 years to cut down again.


Comment with opinions please, I'm supposed to be ready to share on Wednesday what friends thought.


  1. I agree. I hate using paper, and I hate buying paper even more. But for schools, it is necessary, at least until all of the can find a new way to receive our homework and material. This is why typing up papers is great. Plus it saves our poor wittle fingers.
    I like the Road Less act. Nature is beautiful, why destroy it?

  2. Ummm we kinda need paper. I think there should be more restrictions on the amount of trees we cut down and what trees to cut down, but we still need the resources. It's not just for paper. We need to build houses, too. It's just like everything else: it's better in moderation, and we have to be responsible with it.
    And the alternatives to paper, like tablets, use a bunch of resources, as well, at the expense of illegal human labor.
    So, just summing it up: moderation and responsibility.

  3. OK I'm going to sound straight off irritated and I apologize but this is my opinion. We don't need to build more houses or roads or paper. I love to read but it has come to a point where I love animals more. My cousin who came to visit from Texas said that hr didn't like it here because of the empty buildings. How about tearimg down those buildings, reuse the materials and make homes out of them? On the other hand technology is not any better. When I think if technology the first thing that comes to mind is terminator. Yes I'm being geeky here. But what science fiction story isn't coming true? I believe that we as humans are destroying each other in everything we do. We should stop destroying trees even if we need them. How about coming up with affordable recyclable materials? They say to purchase recyclables but people will not because of the cost. For instance paper made from elephant poo. A little notebook is three times as expensive as regular paper. Now where is the help in that. I'm just babbling on but this is what I think.

    1. My irritation has nothing to do with you guys.

  4. Brooke's:
    Its bad and doesn't help environment because when we cut down trees the animals lose their place to live and if we lose those animals we have no animals to eat.

  5. Nope it's totally fine Gardenia, I want to hear your absolute opinions, and I happen to agree with a lot of what you have to say.

  6. Okay, we need to start some serious recycling programs or something, because by cutting down trees you are throwing the whole ecosystem into whack. Gardenia, I am backing you up 100% with the tearing down old buildings and rebuilding them into ones that are safe and usable instead of expanding and tearing down the homes of other living creatures. They deserve places to live just as much as we do, and we have absolutely no right to monopolize the land on Earth like we have been.
