Sunday, February 16, 2014

Reader's Digest Version of My Week

Hey ladies,

I want to be able to keep my weekly posting going, but I think that this one may be a bit brief. This week has been crazy hectic with exams, the career fair, concerts that I had to go to for Music Appreciation class, and then just school in general. It was actually a fun week, but today was the first day I had time to post here, and I haven't been feeling well all day. Hopefully I am just in need of sleep and that by the time I wake up tomorrow morning I will be back to feeling like my normal self.

I honestly am drawing a complete blank on what to even talk about. Hmmm.... Oh!

So, for Valentine's Day I made Connor his present. I filled a small jar with slips of red paper that said reasons why he is awesome and happy memories between the two of us so that he can read them whenever he is having a bad day and hopefully it will cheer him up. Connor got me chocolates and Hollow City (the sequel to Miss Peregrin's Home for Peculiar Children. I mentioned once that I was excited that the sequel came out, and he remembered, which was really sweet.) Earlier in the week Connor asked me if I wanted to go on a date Friday, and I said yes. I asked him what he had in mind, and he said, "Oh, I already have it all planned out, you're just not allowed to know about it." He took me out to dinner and then we went to the movie theater to go see Winter's Tale (which, by the way, I thought was a pretty awesome movie and recommend you all to go watch it at some point). We took the shuttle out there on Saturday because we didn't realize that the shuttle didn't run off campus on Friday's, but then we got stranded at the movie theater because we got out of the movie after the shuttles stopped running. We ended up having to call our friend Ashley, who was such a sweetheart and was totally cool with coming to our rescue. All in all, I had a lot of fun.

I think I'm going to end this post for now, but I will write again later in the week.



  1. you're kicked off the island. we took your raft away. have fun with the sharks.


    1. I'm kidding. Ignore me. I'm glad you had a fun Valentine's Day and that is the cutest present for Connor. And go to sleep!
