Thursday, February 27, 2014

Crash Course in es and do cocaine

This is probably going to be a very short post, but I'm in a very good mood so I thought I should post.

Yes, we watched one of Hank Green's Crash Courses in environmental science yesterday. My prof passes on awesomeness. We were also talking about how spending time in nature is the equivalent to taking anti-depressants. The prof was talking about how nature makes us happen, like cocaine. And at the end of every conversation he asks what the take home lesson is. So immediately after the cocaine comment he asked this and everyone in the class said "Do cocaine". The prof just about died laughing.

Let's see... I've finally had some time to breath the past day or so after all the homework and projects.

If you guys are interested I can keep posting about my environmental learning on here. I find it all so fascinating and it's been changing how I view everything which has never happened to me before. I saw Gardenia's post and I was glad to see you find it interesting and not annoying Garde, so thank you for that. I can do more, I just don't want to annoy you guys.

I think we all just need a round of the knife game. I've been reading these posts and it just seems like we really need it right now. Damn winter.

I had my first choir concert and that went pretty well on Tuesday. Very cramped, but it went well. Now to learn Hebrew...

So I had this dream right, and it was of course about the zombie apocalypse. I had a boyfriend (no idea who this guy was but he was my boyfriend). It was a weird apocalypse because Barnes & Noble was still open. Anyway, my boyfriend had been bit but he was taking a lot longer than usual to die, so I thought he'd make it through it, he was immune or something. Well we were at my grandparents house and they weren't home, he was sitting at this desk and I was in the kitchen. Well... he died at the desk. Apparently he had been working on some cure that was goo-like that would either stop the virus or at least slow it down. Well... it only made him an intelligent zombie. Our friend comes in (no idea who she was either but she was apparently my friend) and goes over to him. He sits right up (he's a zombie now) and listens to hear as she talks. Then she says something about me and that just triggers something in him. He rushes PAST her into the kitchen to me and tries to eat me. This whole time he's talking (I don't remember what he was saying) and the other girl was flinging some of that goo at him, but that wasn't working. So the girl grabs a straw and shoves in through his brain. This whole time I had just been pushing him away from me because I didn't want to kill him! I still had hope for him and I'm sobbing my eyes out because he was a zombie. After she stabs him with the straw, he fell to the ground but kept moaning, asking if he was dead yet. I'm assuming he ended up dying.

Moral of the story, I finally get a boyfriend in my dreams but he tries to eat me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh! And yes, the knife game sounds like a splendid idea right now!!
