Sunday, February 16, 2014

My Week Sounds Horrible But Im Fine

Hey ladies!
Its been a while since ive posted. But i believe i will make this one short. Well i want to start off by saying that today was officially my first day of work. I felt that it went okay for a first day, if only i wasnt already hated by one of the people there. I wasnt punching in right. I guess it was my mistake, but i would have appreciated a kinder tone of voice, geez lady its my first day. Ive never worked before! I was already nervous as it was, i didnt need to get yelled at. Well a manager told me not to take it to heart as i was punching out. Oh well, this first day is out of the way, now i kind of have an idea of what will be required of me.
Hmm what else to talk about. Oh for those who havent been able to access kik, i failed my first chemistry test. And it has really bugged me. I know you guys say to shake it off, but what bugs me is not that i got an F, but the fact that the prof says she can help, yet i ask her a question and she answers as if she is burdened by it. Well im over it, i just have to practice harder than i was. Oh I did come up with a way to study and it did help as i retried my online homework assignment. I am writing the steps to solving specific problems on notecards. My dad calls it cheating, but i call it a study tool.
Changing subject, things between Cesar and me are not getting anywhere, on the other hand it seems as if we arent talking as much anymore. For example he has gone studying for calc with two people from my class, and he hasnt asked me this semester. Umm, he asked me one day, but i said no because i was going to class. So to make this story short, this chica is moving on. I will be patient and wait for the one who is actually interested in me. (Alexandria you better be writing that sequel, i really love how you wrote the first one. It really cheered me up and made my day. I need more of those kinds of laugh often. So i will be expecting it soon.)
Hmm. I feel as if i was going to say something, but i cant remember what it is now. *Can you feel me when i think about you with every breath i take....ive been wandering the desert for a thousand days i dont know if its a mirage but i see your guys face everyday* Sorry selena gomez came up. I dont know, i cant remember, but im going to stop by softball conditioning. yea i will be bumping into coach, but i am really really really really really really curious as to who will be playing this year. Coach asked me to help, but i said i couldnt because of classes. My mom already told me not to say yes, that i have school and work now. Ummm. I think that is it for today, i will have to post again soon.
Oh my god i had to edit this post's title, as i was reading i realized that my week hasnt been the best and that it sounds sad. Wow. Well time to "let it go." Back to no softy Gardenia.
<3 G

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that things haven't been going very well lately, but keep your chin up. Things will turn around, you'll see!
