Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Guess Ill Follow Marissa's Example

So this is G posting once again.
Continue reading if you are truly interested in knowing about my day, or are too bored out of your mind that you need something to do.
So how has it been?
I should finish editing my english paper right now, but this melted brain of mine needs a little break. Ive already revised half of it and i feel confident that it is sounding better. So im typing this post as i listen to terminator salvation in the background. SO YEAH. This essay. Not my best work though. I really have to start writing my papers sooner but i get so distracted, i cant even describe in words how distracted. I agree with marissa. This semester is packed with more homework. But we will get through it as we always have.
Im going to use this post to vent out anything that comes to mind. The other day, as some of you already know, i got angry with my parents. There will be times that i feel as if im constantly being compared to my cousins and i really dont like that. I want to be able to go through each day feeling accomplished for something i did and enjoyed doing, not because i have to be better. But i guess my anger was childish. So ive gotten over it. I love my parents so much that i literally feel like bursting into a million bits if i dont talk to them. Therefore idk where they get the idea that i will forget about them once i finish college and have my own career. Then again i understand their fear, because i probably am a horrible person deep inside and would allow something like that to happen. But i will fight with myself to keep our connection strong.
Some of you find my watching of animal shows odd, but i find them fascinating. Except when it comes to spiders, keep those away. But i really love watching these shows. After reading Rachel's thoughtful post, ive been thinking about everything in depth. For example, the other day i was getting ready to go to work (man it feels weird to say that; goodbye young adulthood and hello independence. Not really but its a start) and i saw my bird looking at me from the corner of my eye. Then it turned to look at my shoes and thought, "we humans are very odd creatures." like we need rubber to cover our soft wittle feet and keep them away from damage, but what about animals? What keeps their feet warm? Huh. Anyways, Thank you Rachel. You really have me thinking.
Umm what else...
Oh ok i got something. Well its more of a question. In my humanities class we have to do a research paper and i need to choose a topic from the any of the chapters we are doing this semester, which expand from early beginnings to right before the renaissance. We cant chose people or specific works, we have to chose something from the different cultural expressions: art, architecture, philosophy, medicine, literature, etc... What im trying to ask. Any suggestions?
So i spent over an hour on the phone today with comcast. I was hoping to get someone sent out to reestablish my internet connection to my desktop. My wifi works, its just that my desktop isnt reading the signal. I think i only talked for about ten minutes, because the rest of the time i was put on hold. And GUESS WHAT? I spent that whole time trying to get an answer, only to be told that my desktop's LAN driver was erased when i reset the computer system. So it wont be reading anything anytime soon until i call dell and have them tell me how to install it again. there goes another hour.
I wish i could make this post longer, but ive procrastinated enough as it is and should get back to my paper. Which is due tomorrow. :/
Ill post something less gloomy sometime soon. I would say tomorrow but if i cant get to it then ill be called a liar again and be shunned from the group. Which is what is happening right now. :)
Take Care,