Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cold Tea is Kind of Gross

So, I've been trying to study for my Biology Unity of Life lab practical that I have on Thursday by looking up labeled microscopic images of plant and animal tissues, and it is getting me absolutely no where. I think I may have given up on bio for the night.

What's new? Hmm... Well, I ended up not getting the RA position. I was put on the waiting list, though, which means there is still a chance that I could still be hired, which would be fantastic. But, only time will tell, I guess.

These past couple of weeks have been quite busy with preparing for exams and just school and life in general. I have a bunch of stuff that I have to do this weekend, and now I'm just procrastinating, because I don't feel like dealing with it right now.

Have any of you heard of the St. Baldrick's foundation? Allow me to explain. This foundation does research for children with cancer, and any group or organization can put together a St. Baldrick's fundraising event. My friend Ashley is putting one together, and my other friend Neal and I are co-treasurers. There are others involved too. What happens is, you set a goal (ours is $8,000) and you try and raise that much money through any kind of fundraising you can come up with by a certain date (our tentative date is May 4). For instance, we are planning on putting together a bake sale, among a few other things such as trying to make it a competition between the frat houses. Anyway, you set a date to raise this money by, and then you shave your head in awareness of those with cancer. And I think I'm going to do it. No matter what, I'm helping with the fundraising in any way that I can, but I am seriously considering joining in on getting my head shaved. I'm still on the fence though.

Okay, so I never really thought that I would get in to any kind of punk rock music, but I really like My Chemical Romance's Black Parade album. Like, a lot. Like, I'm pretty sure this is one of my personal favorite albums. This is all Connor's fault. I strongly suggest that you people check them out (if you haven't already). Here's a video of one of my favorite songs by them.
And you know what, I'm going to throw in another favorite. This one isn't off of their Black Parade album, but it's just a really amazing song. And I love the video.
Let me know what you think!

I should probably be doing homework, but just thinking about it kind of freaks me out right now. I'll probably call it a night after this. But, I don't really feel like going to sleep.

I can't wait until it warms up so that I can go out and lay in an open field and stare up at the stars. You should see them here on a clear night. They are stunning. I wish it was this way in Rockford, but the stupid city lights get in the way and hide the magnificent suns that grace us with a glimpse of their beauty from far away.

I don't really know what else to say. This happens every time I go to write one of these. I get really excited and then I totally blank on what to say. Gah, it's so annoying! But, anyway, I guess I'll end this here.


1 comment:

  1. You've got more guts than I do just considering it. I'm glad you're doing that fundraising and stuff though. I'd try and leave more of a comment for you, but I'm so exhausted that everything I was going to say just left the building. Love ya
