Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Beeep boop

Well uhhh. Marissa here. Duh. You should already know that, since I'm the only one making weird titles. Plus I'm awesome.
I don't have much to say other than I miss you all, and that I feel a bit left out from our little group. It's kinda lonely out here, and you know how you're all preparing to be by yourselves and away from your friends and family? I'm already living it. I see you guys as my family, and it's difficult knowing I won't and can't see your smiling faces everyday.
But anyways, on a lighter note. I'm currently employed. (: By Five Below nonetheless. I have my orientation on Wednesday, and then I begin my life as a working student. And my orientation for school is tomorrow. I'm kinda scared for it all, but excited at the same time. I'm hoping I'll like it at Five Below.
That's all for now I suppose.
With love, Marissa.


  1. Congrats! I am really struggling to find places to apply at. And I'm just lazy.

  2. That's awesome that you found a job. Marissa, I miss you so much! We all really need to get together (all of us) sometime soon before our Six Flags trip.

  3. I miss you too Marissa! Gardenia, you can have my job.

  4. Rachel I have considered it. If I do decide give a call and refer me.
