Thursday, July 18, 2013

I 'm fine

Hey everyone :)
The truth is these last few weeks haven't been that great.  I've been going through some family problems and I'm stressing a bit.  I have to force myself to eat and I find it hard to sleep at night. It's even harder to get up in the morning because lately I don't have the energy.  But if you were to ask me if I were okay.I'd say  "Yes I'm fine".  Just because I know I will be. I've been through worse.  My dad always told me that even though life gets rough, don't cry because crying make everything worse.  I use to be a big crybaby then. :) Other than that, I'm quite excited for college.  I thought that I'd be nervous but I'm ready for it.

Love, The Little Panda


  1. Hey who is this? Is this Alex? Gardenia? What's going on? Is everything okay? Text me.


  2. Text me sweetheart. Or better, call me.

