Sunday, July 28, 2013


OK ladies. It seems like long time and no talk. Six flags is something I'm looking forward to since we will get to see each other before we go our separate ways. I know I shouldn't sound pessimistic but the truth hurts. So to give you guys a funny story, my family went to the shedd yesterday and let me tell you that was a long line wait and only to see the entire thing in an hour and a half.
After they closed we walked all the way to navy pier, a walk that seemed to be half an hour dragged into an hour and a half! My feet were sore and I wore the worst shoes ever! We walked around and ate funnel cakes, the elephant ears were half cooked! Gross! So after walking around, we had to walk all of the way back...ouch. that walk took another hour and a half. When we went to eat tacos, I had to get up and limp to the place, my toes were sooo swollen and still are! They remind me of sausages. So that is my story, hope I can get a little laugh from you guys.


  1. for a second i thought you went to an actual shed and i thought 'why would there be a line for a shed??' but half cooked elephant ears sound disgusting!!


  2. I'm looking forward to the Six Flags trip too. I'm just really excited about all of us getting together again. Half-cooked elephant ears do sound disgusting. :P Was Navy Pier fun? I've never been there.
