Monday, July 22, 2013

Devils Lake, picnic, etc., etc.

Hello again. You must be getting tired of me by now but I really don't care : )

So today I went to Devils Lake with my parents and I had a really good time. Then I came to the realization that we should all go there sometime. I mean not this summer definitely since we got Six Flags and Magic Waters still to do. For any of you who may not know what Devils Lake is, think of Rock Cut but ten times better! There's a lot of trails to walk and they're really cool! Plus the lake is suitable for swimming, kinda like Pearl Lake but not as good. I think we would have a good time there. We could even camp there if we wanted but that's a discussion for some other time.

Anyway, I have pictures. Allow me to give you a tour *obnoxiously clears throat*

Here we have a nice overview of the lake. This is part of a trail and it is a beautiful view. And it is REALLY high up....

This is a cave.... yup. Nothing to see here, move along.

These are the Tumbling Rocks. These rocks are climbable and you can go as high as you like. They're bigger than the picture makes them look, they're pretty much human size times two.... if that makes sense.

Oh, here's proof that I climbed that trail that I mentioned in the first picture.... ignore the man.... I don't know where he came from. (Yes, that's my dad)

This picture is slightly zoomed in. Go back and look at the picture I took of the Tumbling Rocks and you can see how far up we went. The rock that's circled.... yeah ummm, I had a hard time getting back down and boulder was like twice my body length. It's also really slanted if you can't tell by the picture. So I decided I would just pull a Lara Croft and slide down the danm thing. I had to do that with other rocks on the way down, but none that were that long. Well, let's just say it worked but now my knee hurts haha xD

And that completes our tour of Devils Lake. I don't really have any witty comments to add....

So, we are trying to plan our picnic this Tuesday at noon at Dalquist. Text me to let me know if you can come or not and what you will bring. We don't want what happened last time to happen again, that is we brought all desserts. If you want to bring some type of game that's great, I will probable bring ladderball and I'm sure Alex will bring something too... am I right Alex?

I think that's all for now. But first...

"Someday I will be a beautiful butterfly!"

Oh my God!! This is how Lovey drinks her water! Paw then mouth xD

"It's dangerous to go alone! Take this!"

Yours truly, Rachel


  1. Oh my gosh it looks so beautiful i love the view!!! We definitely have to go.
    And yes i am bringing a certain "game".
