Saturday, July 20, 2013

Late Night Post

Well, my lovely ladies, it is 12:27 in the a.m. and your girl, Sara, here is still wide awake. I mean WIDE AWAKE. I know, shocker, right? Usually I go to bed pretty early, but obviously NOT TONIGHT WHEN THERE IS A GOOD CHANCE THAT I NEED TO BE UP AT A FAIRLY DECENT TIME TOMORROW MORNING (and by fairly decent I mean before 9:00). So, I have decided that I will inform you all about my life at the moment.

Now, my life hasn't been particularly exciting. I apologize that I don't have any stories about Platteville that I can actually think of at the moment, and I am too stupid to remember what certain buildings are on campus, let alone take pictures of them (I honestly almost got lost when I had to try and find a building by myself to go take a test when I went to register for classes). When I went to sign up for classes they kept us so busy that we didn't really have anytime to talk amongst ourselves in our groups, and even when we did have time, it was a bit awkward. No one really knew what to say. I tried to strike up conversation with people by asking what major they were going into and if they were planning on joining any groups. I talked to one girl who seemed really pleasant, and I kind of sort of had a conversation with two of the guys in my group, but not really. Oh well, hopefully Welcome Weekend will bring me better luck on making friends. On the upside, though, I did talk with my roommate again a little bit. She texted me a picture of a machine that you put peanuts in and it makes peanut butter. She said she saw it and it reminded her of me. I think this may be the start of a very beautiful friendship. I also found out that one of her favorite movies is "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" (that's what she was watching while she was cleaning the kitchen and texting me). We didn't really talk about much after that, but I think I may try and contact her again this weekend.

Other than that, I've become a bit of a body-builder since you all last saw me (not really). I go with my mom to the YMCA, and while she is working I go running and do stuff that you usually do in a weight room. For the past week though it seems as if I have been purposely trying to lower my own self-esteem, because I always end up working out at the same time that these three girls about our age are working with their personal trainer. I pretend to not pay attention to them, but really I sit and watch them while telling myself "can't do that," "pfft, can't do that either," "I DEFINITELY can't do that," "oh, there's no way in hell I'm doing that," and so on... It's pretty depressing. But, alas, I do my best with my jell-o arms and abs of molten steel. I've also been volunteering by helping out with filing stuff at the YMCA. It's a bit boring, but whatever, it gives me something to do there.

On the days that I don't go to the YMCA, which is usually Tuesday and Thursday (or any other day that I refuse to get out of bed on time even if Misha Collins were to walk into my room and propose to me only if I got up and got dressed), I usually end up watching "Supernatural" on TNT until about 11:00 (thanks a lot Marissa and Alex, you have me hooked. Oh how I wish I had Netflix. I would have watched all the episodes about three times over by now). And then I just do... stuff, I guess.

I'm pretty sure that Peanut Butter Toast Crunch cereal was made by the gods.

With Love,

P.S. Enjoy the attractiveness :)


  1. Wow Sara! By the end of the year you will be as buff as me... cough, cough...jk keep working on that Sara you will get there.

  2. sara sara sara oh my jesus thats it i love you so much youre killing me with this supernatural stop ambushing me like this! D;
    but seriously forget those girls at the Y. sara youre also working hard to improve yourself. who cares if its with a personal trainer or not? people only have those because they dont have the drive to push themselves on their own. but you do, and its more than i can say for a lot of people, including my lazy butt.

  3. Sorry about all of the Supernatural emails. I couldn't control myself. :) thanks for the encouragement though. :)


  4. I have no idea what u guys are talking about! I haven't seen supernatural...pretty sad huh?
