Saturday, July 20, 2013

Well this is unexpected

So I go to work tonight right and its reeeeeaaaaalllly slow. So we were just standing around talking at one point (shhhh don't tell!) and one of my managers tells me they're having a picnic thing for the few of us who are going away soon. They're planning for either the 31st of July or the 6th of August. I was really taken aback when she told me this. Especially when I can only think of about 3 or 4 people who are going away for college there. They've never done this in the past and it just really shocked me that they would do it this year.

It's sounds really nice. Out at some place called children's farm or something and she said something about hay rides and possibly horseback riding.

They've really been surprising me lately with how much appreciation they've  been showing us, especially those who have worked there longer than six months.

I'm not sure what to think right now...

More soon, Rachel

Here, have a picture of a kitten ^_^

AHHH THIS ONE IS SOOO CUTE!!!! I had to add it!

Ok. I'm done. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. thats really great that theyre actually appreciating you guys before you have to leave.
    and stop with the kittens! its making me want one!
