Friday, July 19, 2013


So tonight I figured I show you around my college... I mean really, what else do I have to do?

So because I'm living with 2 other people we have to bunk.... I want to call dibs on the single xD

So here's a nightstand.... this is not my dorm by the way. They wouldn't let us see ours... -_-
Here's a desk
A closet. It actually looks bigger in the picture than it does in person...
Another desk
My bed xD oh, and don't forget..... wait for it..... wait for it...... ANOTHER DESK!!! Ok people I'm bored, I have to have something to be excited about :D

Of course I have to show you around campus too...
Welcome to Aurora University
To your left you will see the University's theater called Perry theater and a lovely tree.

And then, uh, straight forward you see the quad and... I believe two of the residence halls, one of which is mine. At the far end of the quad you have the cafeteria and gym facilities.
Here you see basically the same thing as the last picture, just shifted to the right slightly. And some more lovely trees blocking the view of some buildings. Since you can't see them I won't tell you what they are... it has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I have no idea what the buildings are...
And here's a random picture of people running...

And that concludes our brief tour of my campus. There is more to the campus but I completely forgot to take pictures today other than the dorm. The pictures of the campus you see here were taken back in May by my mom. If you enjoyed your tour of the campus my name is Rachel. If you did not my name is John.

 I want to get a job as one of those people who are tour guides for open houses at the college. I think I'd be a great tour guide...

I had an alright time today. I guess I just have problems talking to new people. I did meet my neighbor and she seems pretty nice. We had to do this scavenger hunt thing today in groups and my group...  I don't really know what we were doing. I mean, we got it done but I have no idea how. And there were some raffle prizes and, guess what guys!!! I finally won something in a freaking raffle! I never win shit in a raffle! I mean, other than post prom but they called everyone's name eventually.

I really hope by this point I have utterly entertained somebody other than myself because I'm done for the night so.... hope you enjoyed my post! Can you tell that I'm really tired?

I'll leave you with this:

With love, Rachel


  1. As for the tour I loved it, so its a Rachel. But talking about john isn't he in the crowd of people running? That's a lot of desks!

  2. Haha why thank you. And yes he is and I am too. I know!

