Wednesday, July 17, 2013

When Boredom Sets In...

So, ladies, I've been wanting to write another blog entry for a while now, but I have absolutely no idea what to write about. After busting my brains for a while, I decided that I would just show you guys a story (it's very short) that I had written a few weeks ago when I was bored. So... here goes nothing, I guess.

All I can hear are gasps emitted from my own body as I struggle for the precious oxygen that I can't seem to get enough of, and the steady thump of my feet hitting the pavement. The rest of the world is eerily silent as I sprint down the middle of an old street completely riddled with potholes. I glance around at the gray, lifeless buildings covered with gaping holes where windows and doors used to be. Nothing living inhabits this desolate town, not even a single sprig of grass.

After taking in my surroundings, I decide to stop running. I lace my fingers behind my head as I slowly pace in the middle of a once-hectic intersection, wondering why I was even running in the first place.

"Where am I?" I cry out into the empty sky. I cease pacing and turn around in frantic circles, panic beginning to bubble up in the very center of my being.

"Must stay calm, must stay calm," I chant quietly to myself as I try to slow down the quickening of my heartbeat and stop the trembling in my hands.

Suddenly, movement in the clear, pale blue sky catches my eye, and I stare up at the object, trying to determine what it is. As the object comes closer at an alarming speed, more appear in my line of sight, and, in horror, I realize what they are.

"This can't be real. I have to be dreaming, or hallucinating, or something," I whisper shakily. I had only ever seen pictures of these daunting, flying contraptions in storybooks as a child. Tales of these machines and the monsters that controlled them were told among friends in the dead of night to make each other scream. Many people don't even believe they exist, while others claim that they have witnessed landings and were the victims of testing and experiments conducted by these monsters.

Shaking myself out of the shocked stupor I had fallen into, I dash into the crumbling building that is the  closest just as the first aircraft releases mysterious objects from the sky. Once inside the building, though, I realize that I may as well be standing out in the open with all of the holes that are in the walls and ceiling. Panic starts to return, clouding my brain, as I think about how all of the other buildings are just as decrepit, and that it will only be a matter of time before they find me.

"Think!" I groan, grabbing the sides of my head and squeezing my eyes shut. I force myself to relax and clear my head in order to make better sense of the situation. I realize that my best bet of concealing myself is to go underground, and the quickest way to do that is to find a basement.

As thumps and incoherent yells signal the arrival of the creatures from the aircrafts, I frantically tear through the abandoned building, whipping open doors that are just barely clinging to their hinges until I find one that leads to a set of stairs going down. With the sound of my own blood pumping echoing in my ears, I slam the door shut behind me. Unfortunately neither the door's lock nor the light switch are functional anymore. I race down the rickety wooden staircase, blindly searching for something to barricade the door with. I hear loud voices speaking in strange tongues and banging overhead when I run into what feels like a metal chair. I nearly tumble over it in my hasty search of the room. I grab the chair and navigate my way back to the stairs. Upon finding them again I stumble up them and desperately try to position the chair in order to keep whoever-or whatever-had come out of the basement. I then run back down the stairs and throw myself under them as I hear heavy footsteps right above me.

Hugging my knees to my chest, it then occurs to me: why are they even here if this place has already been destroyed? What's the point of coming back? But just as suddenly as the question pops into my head, I realize what the answer is. These creatures are naturally destructive and violent. They want to come back and view their mess, make sure that they got the job done. Obviously they didn't properly execute their mission if one of them caught a glimpse of me, now did they?

A jangling noise erupts above me and I realize that it's the door handle shaking. They are trying to get in. I hold my breath in an attempt to stay as silent as I possibly can. a voice yells something that has a commanding air to it, and the jangling noise ends. The footsteps slowly fade away, and I let out the air that was pent up  in my chest. Everything becomes as quiet as it was before, and I close my eyes and lean my head against the cold stone wall behind me.

When I open my eyes next, I am laying on a cold, stainless-steel table. There are beeping noises coming from several machines that I am hooked up to via wires stuck all over my body. Surrounding me is a group of figures clothed in white with surgical masks hiding their identities. The only part of their faces that I can see are their eyes, which have a successful sort of glint in them.

"Congratulations 3324, you've passed," utters one of the figures in a muffled voice.

"I passed?" I ask, not sure if I heard correctly.

"Yes, you've passed," confirms the figure.

Relief washes over me like a comfortably warm breeze. My body slowly begins to relax as it releases the tension I didn't know I had in my shoulders and back.

"That was the final test in your training," says the figure, unhooking me from the wires and machines. "It was meant to test your ability to think under pressure and deal with the lack of weapons and resources. You did well."

"Thank you," I reply, sitting up on the table and swinging my legs over the side.

"So now, 3324, that means that you are ready to take part in the invasion of Earth."

With love,


  1. holy crap, thats an awesome plot twist! i really love how you turned it around like that!!

