Friday, July 26, 2013

Story Time :)

I'm back, and I have another story that I wrote.  So, sit back, relax, and let me know if it's totally ridiculous and terrible. I would appreciate constructive criticism if you have any. Thanks. :)

I gasp as I get my first glimpse of her from between the densely packed trees. She's beautiful. Magnificent. Gorgeous. Striking. She's like nothing I've ever seen before. She stands tall, proud. The sun plays off of the stained glass windows that are her eyes to the rest of the world. Her towers rise up and tickle the clouds' bellies. Her walls are made of an ancient stone, refusing to crumble any time soon. They are strong, and they send a message. To get inside they will either have to be knocked down or climbed. To some they may have appeared menacing, but to me they are just an obstacle in my way, blocking me from the real treasure on the inside. A person's heart is rarely guarded by anything that is simple to penetrate.

I silently creep closer, making my way out of the forest that I had been trekking through for some time. I don't want to startle her and cause more walls to be thrust up in my way. Her keen eyes have already taken notice of me, though, and she watches me with curiosity as I make my way towards her.

"Hello," I say, smiling up at the castle in front of me.

A light breeze picks up, fluttering the leaves in the trees and gently swirling around me. It carries a soft, tinkling voice, her whispered reply. "Hello."

"My name's Sean. What's yours?" I ask as I sit down on a nearby flat rock.

The gentle breeze returns, caressing my ear with her answer.

"Rose. That's a pretty name," I say as I lean back on my elbows. It feels great to be able to get off my feet and rest for a few minutes.

"What brings you here, Sean?" the wind whispers.

"Just decided to go on a little trip, I guess. Escape from the world," I say, kicking at a small stone in the grass.

"Yet, you're still in the world."

I smile slightly at her comment and look up at the towering fortress in front of me. It's steady and rock solid. It's clear that her heart has been protected like this for a while now, what with all of the moss and ivy climbing up the sides. The average person usually doesn't guard their heart with this much effort. I ponder on what could have caused her to put up something so unyielding around the most sacred part of herself. The part that allows herself to make connections and form relationships with others. To love, grieve, sympathize, and care for others. With so much between herself and others, it must make it difficult. I decide that I want to try and make it a little easier for her with me.

"So, Rose, I think that we should play a game. I've been hiking through the forest for God knows how long all by my lonesome, and now I am dying for some social interaction. So how about this: I tell you one fact about myself, and then you have to do the same. It can be about anything you want," I say, leaning forward and placing my elbows on my knees.

"Okay... I guess," the wind answers uncertainly.

"Alright, let's see. I have a sister named Annie and a brother named Eddie. Your turn."

"My favorite food is apples."

"My favorite sport is basketball."

"I love to sing."

"Really? Let's hear then," I say, curious.

"How about let's keep playing the game instead," She counters.

"As you wish. My favorite color is red."

"My favorite color is yellow."

The game went on for about ten more minutes before I noticed something peculiar. Each time one of us would list something about ourselves, one of the bricks on the castle would fall with a muffled thunk to the ground. Well, I thought to myself, I guess there's other ways than just force to knock down walls. Rose seemed to not notice the loosening bricks, or if she did, she didn't seem to mind it. I didn't want to stop her from opening up to me and slowly destroying her barriers, but curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't hold my tongue any longer.

"Rose, can I ask you a question?"

"Um... sure," the wind blew uneasily, as if she already knew what I was about to ask her.

"I don't mean to get too personal, but, why the elaborate fortress?"

For a few minutes it was quiet, as if Rose was trying to decide if she wanted to confide in me about whatever it was that caused her to become so guarded. When the silence stretched on and I didn't think she was going to answer my question, the light breeze picked up again, and with it came her reply.

"Most women protect their hearts after they have been hurt by a man, but it wasn't even boy troubles that caused me to do this. It's just people in general. They can be so petty, tearing others down so that they can climb higher up the social pyramid. A person's heart can be a delicate thing, sometimes even irreparable, and I was just afraid. I have a difficult time trusting people, because they can be so cruel and deceitful."

"Not everyone is that way," I murmur.

"I know, but how can you tell the kind from the cruel when most everyone has their own barricade of some sort?"

"I-I don't know. Instinct, maybe? I'm not sure. I guess you just have to believe that when you let someone in for the first time, there's always that chance that they could end up hurting you, but yet you don't know that until you give them a fair shot."

The silence returns, and I'm worried that I had over-stepped my bounds. I open my mouth to apologize, when suddenly a deep rumbling begins, and the earth seems to tremble beneath my feet. I stand up, surprised and nervous.

"What's happening?" I shout over the growing noise.

Rose doesn't answer, and I watch in awe as bricks cascade to the ground, piling up in a jumbled mess.

After a minute, what once was a majestic castle is now just a haphazard mountain of bricks. But, it's what's amongst those bricks that is the most breathtaking thing I have ever layed eyes on. A shimmering, swirling glow of light is hovering in the center of where the castle used to be. It's so bright that it's impossible for me to see the source of the light, but it's warm and comforting.

"Your heart," I whisper.

"You're the first person in ages that has actually seemed to take interest in me. Most people just stroll on by, thinking that I'm stuck-up, or whatever. I guess I just decided to take your advice and give it a chance. Wear my heart on my sleeve, so to speak,"

"So this is the real Rose," I say, smiling up at her.

"This is me," the wind laughs through the trees.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you."


  1. SHE POSTED IT! SHE POSTED IT!! i absolutely love this. im so glad i actually got to read it because it is amazing. keep writing sara!


  2. Haha, thanks Alex. :) I think writing has become a bit of a hobby of mine, so I'm glad that you like it.

